We tell you why you snore and how to deal with it.

The surgeon called 5 simple exercises that will relieve snoring

Snoring is the well-known hoarse, vibrating sounds that a soundly sleeping person makes. It is especially disappointing that no matter how deafening snoring is, it never interferes with the sleep of the snorer, but at the same time does not allow everyone around to sleep. And this cannot but affect their attitude towards the one who emits all these rattling, rumbling and whistling graces in the stillness of the night.  

But the one who snores is not to blame for this - it’s just that in a dream he has an excessive relaxation of the soft tissues of the pharynx and larynx, in particular the soft palate and palatine uvula, and in the process of breathing, when air passes through them, they vibrate.

The volume of snoring, its timbre and other sound characteristics depend on the anatomical structure of the respiratory tract.

Studies show that men snore more often and louder than women, and people over the age of 50 more often than younger people. In addition, there are many snorers who suffer from obesity, a deviated septum, and/or a chronically stuffy nose. In all these cases, there is a narrowing of the lumen of the upper respiratory tract, and the air flow passes through them with great difficulty. Snoring is also promoted by smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, taking sleeping pills, and sleeping in a supine position.

It is also worth bearing in mind that snoring is far from harmless. It not only leads to insomnia in the one who shares the bedroom with you, but also contributes to discord in family life.

Chronic loud snoring can lead to various serious health problems , in particular an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, and is also very often one of the main symptoms of a life-threatening disease - obstructive sleep apnea, in which breathing stops periodically during sleep.

Therefore, snoring must be fought. Experts recommend starting with a healthy lifestyle - quit smoking, lose weight, move more, give up alcohol before bed, do not sleep on your back. Some studies show that playing the didgeridoo, an Australian Aboriginal wind instrument, can help stop snoring.

Due to the specific breathing technique required in this case, the muscles of the upper respiratory tract develop, the tissues of the palate, larynx and nasopharynx are strengthened.

British surgeon Karan Raj, who became a social media star for his medical advice, recently shared five tongue exercises with his millions of followers that he says should also help fight snoring, according to the Daily Mail:

1. Show your tongue

Stick your tongue out of your mouth as far as you can without straining, count to five, and then pull your tongue back for another five seconds. Dr. Raj recommends repeating this simple exercise three to four times.

Its purpose, like the other four exercises, is to train the muscles of the tongue and larynx. You can make this exercise even more effective if you press your protruding tongue on the spoon you hold in front of it.

2. Move your tongue from side to side inside your mouth

The more regularly you strengthen your tongue muscles, the less you will snore, says Dr. Raj.

3. Put your fingers on your cheeks and alternately press them with your tongue from the inside

This exercise is recommended to be performed three to four times on each side. At the same time, it is important to feel a slight tension in the muscles of the neck from the side opposite to the one on which the tongue is now pressing, Dr. Raj explained.

4. Put your tongue on your front teeth and try to swallow

This exercise is very useful for strengthening the muscles of the larynx. It is also recommended to perform it three to four times per approach.

5. Look at your uvula

This exercise should be done in front of a mirror. For five seconds, stick your tongue out of your mouth down so that you can see the palatine uvula in the depths of the mouth - a process hanging from the posterior edge of the soft palate. This exercise will help strengthen the muscles of the back wall of the larynx.