Both in folk and official medicine, natural antibiotics have been used for centuries. Here are some of them, the effectiveness of which has been repeatedly proven by scientists.

The 7 Most Effective Natural Antibiotics

There is an opinion that bacterial infections have claimed more human lives than all wars combined. Therefore, the discovery of antibiotics that successfully fought bacteria was a huge breakthrough in medicine. As a result of the work of microbiologist Alexander Fleming, as well as chemists Ernst Cheyne and Howard Flory, penicillin (the very first antibiotic) was used during World War II against pneumonia, meningitis , gangrene and other deadly diseases. And Fleming himself and his fellow chemists (they developed methods for purifying penicillin) were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1945. 

It seemed that the new medicine had incredible power: the doctor only needed to pick up an antibiotic, drink pills for the patient - and that’s all, goodbye, illness! But not everything is so clear. The problem arose when antibiotics began to be prescribed left and right. According to various estimates, in half of the cases their use was unjustified. What can I say, even now many of us are treated for influenza with antibiotics, although it is well known that this is a futile exercise. Yes, antibiotics work great against bacterial infections, but they don't work against viruses!

Unfortunately, the abuse of antibiotic therapy has sad consequences: bacteria began to mutate and become resistant to these drugs. In addition, their uncontrolled intake can lead to many health problems. There is only one way to protect yourself and reduce the likelihood of side effects: strictly follow the doctor's instructions and do not take them at your own discretion. You should also pay attention to natural antibiotics. Of course, they will not be able to replace their synthetic "brothers" (and this is not necessary), but they may well become a good help for health. 

1. Garlic

Garlic and its active substance allicin have been studied more than any other natural antibiotic. It has a beneficial effect on the heart , blood vessels and even the intestines, and also has an anti-inflammatory effect. One study concluded that garlic was more effective than two synthetic antibiotics at fighting Campylobacter, one of the most common causes of stomach problems.

2. Red pepper 

The alkaloid capsaicin gives bitterness to peppers. It is he who acts as a plant antibiotic, for example, destroys pathogens of intestinal infections (in particular, salmonella). No wonder the people of the south love red pepper so much: it relieves them of digestive disorders. In India, they even put ground red pepper in tea! And capsaicin prevents the formation of blood clots, improves the condition of the heart and blood vessels, activates metabolism, is effective for colds and bronchitis, stimulates appetite, including sexual, thanks to which pepper has long been known as an aphrodisiac.

But this does not mean that you need to eat hot peppers to your heart's content. Firstly, everything is good in moderation, and, secondly, it has contraindications. The pigments that give peppers their red color sometimes cause allergies. Abuse of it can cause gastrointestinal upset, and inept external use - burns. Pepper dishes and preparations based on it are contraindicated in diseases of the digestive tract, liver and kidneys.

3. Turmeric

Turmeric, or more specifically its active compound curcumin , is such a powerful natural antibiotic that it is even used to fight the deadly MRSA (methicillin-resistant staphylococcus) infection. As the name implies, the infection cannot be cured with synthetic antibiotics, but in one experiment, the infection was stopped with large doses of curcumin. But even in modest doses, curcumin can enhance the effects of antibiotics.

4. Ginger

Another seasoning is an antibiotic. Ginger has pronounced bactericidal properties and can protect against "attacks" of harmful microorganisms. And, of course, it is valued because of the large amount of vitamin C, which protects the body from SARS and activates the body's immune defenses. If possible, add ginger to dishes or simply chew its root, cut into thin slices. This is a great immune booster!

5. Honey

Mix honey in milk and you will get an excellent cure for insomnia. Eat a teaspoon of this delicacy, and then drink it with warm tea - and you will get an antipyretic effect no worse than that of pharmaceutical tablets. Sore throat, sore throat? Slowly dissolve a little honey - and it will become easier! And all because this bee "medicine" has a bactericidal effect. Say thanks to the bees for this - they produce a natural "antibiotic" that kills the infection. 

By the way, due to the large amount of sugars, honey is an excellent stimulant of mental activity: after all, our gray cells love sweets! And it is also a source of energy for the body: in 100 g - 330 kcal, which is not so small (that's why honey should be limited with a tendency to be overweight), but still a little less than in sugar. Note: in refined sugar, in addition to sweets and calories, there is nothing else, and in honey, scientists counted about a hundred components that are beneficial.

6. Cowberry

This berry not only has an antibacterial effect, but is also able to enhance the activity of antibiotics and sulfa drugs. The berries and leaves of lingonberries contain up to 9% arbutin - an antiseptic of the urinary tract are used in medicine as a disinfectant and diuretic for cystitis and pyelonephritis. That is why lingonberry fruit drinks are so often recommended for these diseases. Among other things, lingonberries save us from beriberi and headaches with a hangover, reduce blood pressure in hypertension and blood sugar in type II diabetes, increase the acidity of gastric juice in hypoacid gastritis, and also have a laxative, choleretic and anthelmintic effect.

7. Raspberries

This berry is an excellent anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antibacterial and diaphoretic. And raspberries are the first medicine for colds. The high content of vitamins C and P, which activate the body's defenses and strengthen the walls of blood vessels, as well as salicylic acid, which provides a diaphoretic and antipyretic effect, makes it a worthy and completely safe replacement for aspirin. By the way, this medicine was first obtained from the leaves and fruits of raspberries and named after her (from the Latin "asperum" - "endowed with thorns"). Not a single synthetic aspirin of the highest degree of purification has so far been able to compare with the natural analogue that is produced by medicinal berries.