Let's tell you how a meticulous law enforcement officer differs from an "ordinary" person. Please do not take the material to heart - the article has a comic character. But every joke is an occasion to think!
Psychologists say that an excessive desire for cleanliness is a kind of psychological disorder. In this case, the "man-order" spends a lot of time cleaning, suffers from the problem of choice, prefers a conservative lifestyle. All family members who are forced to follow the line suffer from this behavior.
What other things give out a household pedant:
1. Tanks for all cereals and bulk products
Usually housewives do not pour rice or pasta into the same container. Mrs Clean everything is distributed in containers, and even signed with beautiful letters so as not to confuse "Millet" with " Buckwheat ". And these jars, most likely, will stand evenly next to each other in the cabinet.
2. Shelf dividers
Perfectionists don't like it when one thing overlaps another. Therefore, for wide shelves, they buy dividers that divide the cabinet space into several parts. And the clothes are folded, as bequeathed by the Japanese Marie Kondo , in rolls, so that it is convenient to get it. They are not even too lazy to sort socks and underwear by color.
3. Bed linen bags
It is very convenient when perfectly ironed pillowcases, sheets and a duvet cover are folded into a separate bag. But few people bother so much: it is enough that all the parts of the bed linen lie on the same shelf.