White color, closed storage and glossy surfaces - we share the secrets of how to visually enlarge the space without redevelopment.

1. Use light colors

A popular and really working method of visual expansion of space is the use of a light palette and, in particular, white. It is easy to work with: it is suitable for all areas and styles, for dark and light rooms, and goes well with all colors.

If you want to make the apartment seem larger, choose finishes or large furniture in this shade. Traditionally bright interior elements can also be white: decor or textiles.

Use light colors

Use light colors

Use light colors

Use light colors

If snow-white seems uncomfortable to you, pay attention to other light shades: milky, cream, biscuit, ivory.

They give the same visual effect, but with a warm undertone they look more cozy.

2. Avoid contrasts

If you want to make the space more spacious, give up too bright contrasts. These include, for example, dark furniture on a light background or an active ornament on the wallpaper.

All this attracts attention and clearly defines the boundaries, emphasizing the real size of the room.

Avoid contrasts

Avoid contrasts

Avoid contrasts

To make the interior seem lighter and more spacious, use a calm palette with smooth color transitions or make a monochrome interior in different shades of the same color: beige, gray, white, etc.

But it’s not worth giving up contrasts completely either. To keep the space from looking flat and boring, include small eye-catching details such as eye-catching fittings, contrasting decor, or one small bright piece of furniture.

3. Place transparent furniture

Transparent furniture looks unusual and plays on the visual perception of space, literally disappearing from view at a certain angle. Thanks to this, the interior seems light and clean, and therefore visually more spacious.

Such furniture looks organically in scandi, minimalism, japandi, contemporary, eclecticism.

Glass products can be used in eco-style or country. If the naturalness of materials is not important for you, add plastic chairs or a dining table to the interior.

Place transparent furniture

Place transparent furniture

Place transparent furniture

Place transparent furniture

4. Add Reflective Surfaces

Mirrors and glossy coatings are one of the most famous and effective ways to visually expand the space.

Mirror surfaces allow you to beautifully beat a small or irregularly shaped room, increase the amount of light in the room and divert attention from a modest area.

The same applies to glossy surfaces: furniture fronts, wall or floor coverings.

Add Reflective Surfaces

Add Reflective Surfaces

Add Reflective Surfaces

The glare finish reflects the light and visually makes the space brighter and more spacious.

5. Use closed storage

A well-thought-out storage system is a guarantee of order and visual space. The less unnecessary things remain in sight, the more spacious the room will seem.

It is ideal to hide everything from your eyes that does not play an important role in the design of the room and is not used often.

If you want to visually increase the space, then it is best to use closed storage systems (especially with mirrored facades).

Use closed storage

Use closed storage

Use closed storage

If you have shelving or open shelves, complete them with baskets, boxes and other accessories with which you can organize storage and hide assorted little things.