In the age of high speeds and lack of time, it’s easier than ever to fall apart, and when there is only one “successful success” around, you don’t want to do anything at all. We offer a roadmap to get out of laziness - get inspired to work with pleasure.

listen to yourself

We are never lazy for no reason: someone lacks motivation, and someone is insanely tired. There can be many reasons, but awareness of the prerequisites will allow you to approach the solution of the problem without negative emotions and self-abasement.

Practice time management techniques

Thousands of books and articles have been written about ways to properly manage your time. It remains only to choose a convenient (and working) method for you. It doesn’t hurt to introduce simple but healthy habits into your life that will save you up to 30 hours a week.

8 ways to overcome laziness and get more done

Focus on the result

Laziness instantly evaporates when the goal seems worthy to us. Therefore, for the sake of inspiring results, most people are ready to work with little or no rest - a surge of energy from the anticipation of success gives strength to cope with any difficulties.

Track your progress

The key to motivation is understanding that you can handle everything. And self-confidence will give fixation of success. We often do not believe in ourselves when there is a long way to go and it seems that the goal is unattainable. But, noticing the results already obtained, it is easier to continue moving forward, because you know for sure that you can handle everything.

Work in a calm environment

Your favorite series is playing in the background, children are running around, and you are bent over a laptop on a soft sofa? If this is your case, or if you regularly work in an equally distracting environment, don't be surprised if you want to put things on hold. Time matters, and also a comfortable workplace with a minimum of triggers. Focus and you'll get the job done much faster.

Be realistic

The goal should be not only alluring and motivating, but also achievable, albeit over a long distance. Obviously impossible tasks demotivate, inspire a sense of helplessness and failure.

Make your schedule flexible

When rigid planning starts to provoke anxiety, make plans flexible. In the to-do list for the date, enter only the most necessary, and in the free periods of the day, do what seems more important at the moment. And sometimes, for good health, it is better to take a walk in the nearest park than to do something from the list of unimportant and non-urgent.

Celebrate the result

Habits allow - without thinking - to implement this or that scenario. And this means that, having made efforts to consolidate, you begin to do something useful automatically and do not remember laziness at that time. One of the healthy habits that everyone needs is to reward yourself for the results of work. By the way, to use time more rationally, make scrolling social networks a reward, for example. Let's say a quarter of an hour for every serious matter. Why not motivation?