Houseplants provide natural beauty, help purify the air, and improve mental health. But some of them can cause allergies.

I wanted to sneeze: 6 indoor plants that can cause allergies


Houseplants can cause allergies for several reasons. Here are some of the common ones:

  • Pollen – Flowering houseplants produce pollen that can be released into the air and cause allergic reactions.
  • Mold - can grow on the soil and leaves of houseplants, especially if they are flooded with water or placed in a humid environment. 
  • Dust - flowers can attract dust , which in which dust mites start.
  • Chemicals - used in fertilizers or pesticides that are commonly used on houseplants.
  • Sap – Some plants, such as the poinsettia , produce a milky sap that can cause skin irritation and allergic reactions.

Allergic Plants

1. Ficus


2. Spathiphyllum


This flower is chosen for its beautiful white parachute flowers and easy care. But in some people it can cause allergies. The fact is that pollen contains calcium oxalate crystals, which provoke irritation and swelling of the nasal mucosa. upon entry.

3. Sansevieria


The plant is easy to care for, mother-in-law's tongue feels great in low light conditions. It rarely blooms at home, but pollen often provokes allergic reactions. such as sneezing, nasal congestion. In addition, the juice causes skin irritation. 

4. Violet


Miniature flowers can be dangerous for the lungs. A lot of dust accumulates on fluffy violet leaves - a favorable environment for the development of dust mites. Therefore, regularly wipe the villi with a damp cloth. 

5. Geranium


There are a lot of essential oils in the leaves and flowers of pelargonium , hence such a persistent aroma. In direct contact, these substances can cause irritation of mucous membranes and skin. The strong odor can cause headaches and nausea.

6. Dieffenbachia


Despite the unpretentiousness and showiness, we do not recommend keeping Dieffenbachia at home.This is a toxic plant that releases "volatile" essential oils into the air. Its juice causes serious irritation and burns on the skin.