Proper seed preparation ensures good germination and rapid growth of seedlings. More details - told in the article.

How to properly process seeds before planting: 4 tips

1. Quality and Density Check

Before planting seedlings, it is important to check the quality and density of the seeds to make sure they will grow into healthy plants. 

Looking for information on germination rate

One of the easiest ways to check the quality is to look for information about their germination. Germination is the percentage of seeds that can germinate. Most seed packets include this information on the label. 

Check seed size and weight

Size and weight can give an idea of ​​the quality. In general, larger seeds tend to be stronger and have a better chance. Pay attention to heavy ones, they contain more nutrients, survive in adverse growing conditions.

Do a water test

First, place the grains in a glass of water, let them soak for several hours. After soaking, remove those that float to the surface. These seeds are less viable than those that sink to the bottom.

Look for signs of injury or disease

Before planting seedlings, it is also important to inspect the seeds for signs of damage or disease. Look for any cracks, splits, or discoloration in the skin, as this could be a sign of damage or disease. Also, inspect the material for visible signs of mold or mildew.

Approximate germination time for vegetables

cultureTerm, days

2. Seed treatment before sowing

Disinfection before planting seedlings is an important step in preventing the spread of disease. 

Hot water treatment

Soaked in water heated to a certain temperature for a specified time. This method is especially useful for seeds susceptible to fungal diseases. The temperature and time required will vary depending on the type of crop, so be sure to research specific requirements.

Whitening solution

Bleach is a powerful disinfectant that can be used to sterilize inoculum. To use this method, you will need to mix a solution of bleach and water, then soak the grains for a certain amount of time. The concentration and duration will depend on the type of crop and potential diseases. Be sure to rinse the grains thoroughly to remove any bleach residue.

Hydrogen peroxide solution

Hydrogen peroxide is another powerful disinfectant. To use this method, you need to prepare a solution of peroxide and water, leave it in it for a certain time. The concentration will depend on the culture and potential diseases. 

Vinegar solution

Vinegar is an acidic solution that helps prevent the growth of mold and bacteria. The concentration of vinegar and soaking time will depend on the type of seed. Rinse the material thoroughly after soaking to remove residual vinegar .

dry heat

To use this method, you will need to place the seeds in an oven preheated to a certain temperature. Be careful not to overheat or burn them.

3. Soaking seeds before sowing

Soaking seeds before sowing is a simple and effective way to improve germination and overall growth. Soaking softens the shell, improves water absorption and stimulates germination. 

How to soak:

  • Choose the right container - it should be clean and large enough. For example, a glass jar or a plastic container with a lid.
  • Fill the container with room temperature water, making sure there is enough water to cover the seeds.
  • Soak for the recommended time , which depends on the type of crop. For example, some need to be soaked for several hours, while others only need to be soaked for 30 minutes.
  • Rinse with clean water to remove debris.
  • Plant immediately after soaking them while they are still damp.

Soaking seeds in aloe juice before sowing

This is a natural and popular method that many gardeners use to improve the germination and overall health of their plants. Aloe juice contains natural growth hormones, enzymes and other beneficial compounds.

Benefits of Soaking Seeds in Aloe Juice

  • Improved germination rate: contains gibberellins, a natural growth hormone.
  • Stress Tolerance: Antioxidants and other compounds can help plants better withstand adverse environmental factors such as drought or heat.

How to soak seeds in aloe juice

Use pure and organic aloe vera juice with no added sugar or other ingredients. You can squeeze the juice directly from a fresh leaf. Dilute with water in a ratio of 1:10.Place the grains in a container and add the solution so that they are completely covered. The recommended time is 12-22 hours. Don't soak too long as it can lead to mold or bacteria growth. Use clean containers, as contaminants can reduce the effectiveness of aloe juice.

Soaking seeds in Epin before sowing

Epin is a synthetic plant growth regulator containing the active ingredient 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. It is commonly used to stimulate plant growth, flowering, and increase yields. However, there is limited scientific evidence to suggest that soaking in Epin before sowing has any significant benefit.

Although some growers believe that this method increases germination rates and promotes early growth, this practice has not been scientifically proven to be effective. Moreover, improper use can harm plants and the environment. Therefore, we do not advise soaking in Epin, unless recommended by a qualified gardener or agricultural specialist familiar with a particular crop.

Soaking seeds in vodka before sowing

Soaking in vodka before sowing is a popular horticultural myth. There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that it promotes germination or plant growth. While vodka may have some mild disinfectant properties, this method can be harmful if done incorrectly. A high concentration of alcohol can damage the seed coat. It is best to follow proper seeding practices such as planting at the appropriate depth, providing adequate water and light, and using quality soil and fertilizer.

4. Stratification before seed sowing

Stratification is the process used to break seed dormancy before planting. It involves placing the material in cold or damp conditions, which helps to soften the hard shell and stimulate the germination process.

Before stratification, it is important to clean and sort the seeds to remove any debris or damaged specimens. Once sorted, seeds can be stratified in a variety of ways depending on the species. For example, some may require wet stratification when placed in a moist substrate such as peat moss or sand and then chilled in a refrigerator for a period of time.