The refrigerator is an indispensable home appliance that helps keep food fresh and edible. But we may encounter a situation where the device ceases to perform the main function. In this article, we will discuss the possible causes of this problem.

11 Reasons Your Refrigerator Isn't Freezing (And How to Fix It)

Why the refrigerator does not freeze, but the freezer works

1. Low refrigerant level

One of the main causes of a non-freezing refrigerator is a low level of refrigerant in the cooling system. The refrigerant is the substance that circulates in the cooling system and is responsible for transferring heat from the inside to the outside. If the refrigerant level is too low, it can lead to cooling inefficiency and eventually a complete failure. It is better to call a specialist to check, replace the substance.

2. Faulty compressor

The compressor is the heart of the cooling system. It is responsible for the circulation of the refrigerant and maintaining the optimum temperature inside the chamber. If the compressor stops working properly, it can lead to a complete shutdown of the refrigeration system. Causes of compressor failure: from wear and tear to electrical failures. If the compressor does not work, it is necessary to call a specialist to replace the compressor or repair.

3. Clogged capacitors

Capacitors are components of the cooling system that are responsible for removing heat from the refrigerator. If clogged with dust and dirt, this leads to overheating, compressor failure. If you notice that the back wall is too hot, then this may be a sign of clogged capacitors. It is necessary to clean the capacitors from dust, dirt.

4. Incorrectly closed doors

Another reason why the refrigerator stops freezing is improperly closed doors. If the door is not closed tightly, ice will form inside, the compressor will overload and overheat. Make sure it is closed tightly.

5. Faulty thermostat

The thermostat is the component that is responsible for regulating the temperature inside. If the thermostat stops working properly, it overloads the compressor. If the problem is a malfunctioning thermostat, then you need to call a specialist for replacement.

6. The door does not close 

If the door does not close, warm air will enter. This can cause the compressor to overheat, stop cooling. If the door does not close tightly, then you need to check if the rubber on the edge is damaged. If damaged, it must be replaced. You can do it yourself.

7. Refrigerator overload

If you overload your refrigerator, it will stop freezing. This is due to the fact that too many products interfere with air circulation, the compressor overheats, breaks down. To avoid this problem, try not to overload the camera.

8. Low ambient temperature

If the temperature inside the house is too low, this may cause the appliance to stop freezing. This is due to the fact that the device cannot work efficiently if the ambient temperature is too low. To avoid this problem, make sure that the temperature inside the house is within the normal range.

The refrigerator cools, but the freezer does not freeze: what is the problem

1. Temperature problem

If the temperature is not low enough, the food will not freeze. The temperature in the freezer should be no higher than -18 degrees, so that the food freezes and is stored in proper conditions.. If it doesn't reach the right level, check the thermometer inside the freezer to make sure the temperature is really at the right level. If not, you can try changing the thermostat settings or installing a new one.

2. Product problem

If the temperature inside the freezer is normal, the location of the food may be the reason for the non-freezing. If they are packed too tightly into the chamber or some of them block the ventilation holes, then the air cannot circulate freely inside, which leads to insufficient cooling and non-freezing of the food. Try rearranging the containers in the freezer or make sure they don't block the vents. In addition, you should not clog the freezer to capacity, as this may impair its operation, leading to poor performance.

3. Problem with the cooling system

Finally, another reason for non-freezing food can be a malfunction of the cooling system. In this case, it is better to contact the master to repair the freezer. In addition, it is recommended to periodically check the condition of the cooling system and carry out its maintenance.

Additional Recommendations

If after checking the temperature, position of the food and the refrigeration system, the problem of non-freezing food is not resolved, then you can try some additional measures. First, you should check if the freezer is running at full capacity. If not, you can try changing the settings or cleaning the capacitor. Secondly, you can check the condition of the sealing gum on the freezer door. If it is worn or damaged, air can enter the chamber and cause freezing problems. In this case, it is necessary to replace the sealing gum.


There are several things you can do to extend the life and avoid costly breakdowns. 

Keep compressor coils clean

The coils on the back or bottom of the refrigerator are responsible for dissipating the heat generated by the compressor. If these coils are dirty or covered in dust, this can lead to inefficient cooling and eventually damage to the refrigerator.. Clean regularly with a vacuum cleaner or brush to remove accumulated dust or debris.

Maintain the correct temperature in the refrigerator

The ideal temperature for the refrigerator is from 2 to 5 degrees, and the freezer is -15-17.If the temperature is too high or too low, it may cause the appliance to work more than necessary. resulting in damage or increased electricity bills. Use a thermometer to check the temperature regularly, adjust settings as needed.

Check door seals

The seals help keep cold air in and warm air out. If they are worn or damaged, the refrigerator will run more than necessary. Check the seals regularly and change them if necessary.

Do not overload 

Do not overload the chamber with food, leave enough space for proper air circulation. 

Clean cameras regularly

Regular interior cleaning Helps prevent odors and bacterial growth. Use a mild cleaner and warm water to wipe down shelves, drawers, and walls. Avoid using abrasive cleaners or scrapers.

Change the water filter

If your refrigerator has a water dispenser or ice maker, chances are it has a water filter that needs to be replaced periodically. A dirty or clogged filter can lead to poor water quality and potential damage to the entire unit. Read the manufacturer's recommendations regarding the frequency of filter replacement, follow their instructions.

Schedule regular maintenance

Like any other home appliance, a refrigerator needs regular maintenance to keep it running smoothly. Invite the master for inspection, cleaning and prevention. 

Regular maintenance and cleaning will help the unit operate efficiently, which will save you money on electricity and prevent the need for costly repairs.