Blepharoplasty is the second most popular plastic surgery in Russia. According to statistics, more often they apply only for mammoplasty, and a little less often for nose correction. Blepharoplasty involves the correction of the eyelids. With its help, you can, for example, change the shape of the eyes - make it wider by lifting the upper eyelid. The method is often used by residents of Asian countries, especially South Korea, where about 100 thousand such operations are performed annually.

What you need to know about blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty is popular as an anti-aging and aesthetic procedure. The cost depends on each individual clinic and varies between 60-250 thousand rubles.

However, as Omny Beauty Clinic plastic surgeon Artem Prokofiev notes, in addition to aesthetic indications for blepharoplasty, there are also medical ones. “For example, when excess skin on the eyelids and drooping eyebrows interfere with vision,” the expert comments.

Today, four types of blepharoplasty are most often performed: upper, lower, transconjunctival and circular. Operations are usually performed under local anesthesia. The main instruments of the surgeon are a scalpel or a laser. With upper and lower, as well as circular blepharoplasty (which is a combination of the first two), the specialist makes markings on the skin and makes small incisions along it to remove excess skin and adipose tissue. Transconjunctival blepharoplasty is different, when an incision is made on the inside (mucosa) of the eyelids, but the effect is the same.

Restrictions and contraindications

If we talk about age, then there are no restrictions (except for reaching the age of majority). You can make the first blepharoplasty at the age of 18 if, for example, you are faced with excessive puffiness or swelling of the eyelids. With medical contraindications, everything is more serious. Before the operation, patients are examined and consulted with an ophthalmologist to identify possible contraindications. These include high blood pressure, infectious chronic diseases, diabetes mellitus, thyroid pathology, stroke and heart attack.

Separately in the list of contraindications are diseases associated with the eyes. For example, surgery may be refused if the patient is diagnosed with dry eye syndrome - pathological dryness of the conjunctiva. The list also includes glaucoma, conjunctivitis, retinal detachment, inflammation of the skin of the upper or lower eyelid.


Blepharoplasty is considered less traumatic, but, like any surgical intervention, carries certain risks. Let's answer the most burning question: it is possible to go blind after blepharoplasty, but this is a very rare occurrence. According to statistics, complete loss of vision occurs in three out of 100 thousand operations, temporary loss of vision - in two out of 100 thousand.

Other complications are more common after surgery. “There are general surgical complications, such as infections, hematomas, and suture divergence,” says Artem Prokofiev. - There are also complications that are specific only for blepharoplasty: asymmetry of the palpebral fissures, non-closure of the eyelids, traumatic ectropion (ectropion of the eyelid. - Approx. ed.). All of them are leveled in the hands of an experienced surgeon.”

Rehab and scars

Rumor has it that in South Korea, blepharoplasty is treated like a manicure: he ran in after work, corrected his eyelids - and is free. Surgeons really work quickly. The procedure takes about an hour, the patient comes to his senses after anesthesia, after which he can go home. At the same time, the intervention should not be treated irresponsibly: there are a number of postoperative recommendations that should be followed.

So, in the early days, patients are advised to protect their eyes from stress (yes, you will have to scroll less on social networks), intense lighting and sunlight. You should also temporarily abandon contact lenses and decorative cosmetics. Do not be afraid if, following the recommendations, swelling appears - this is a normal reaction. To minimize swelling, sleep and rest with a couple of extra pillows under your head.

For a longer period, adds Artem Prokofiev, you need to give up alcohol (2-3 weeks), saunas and baths (1 month), massage and physiotherapy (2 months). “It is also mandatory to take antibacterial drugs and treat sutures after surgery,” the surgeon emphasizes.

Usually the stitches are removed on the 3-6th day. Here comes the question of postoperative scars. The good news is that they do not remain after transconjunctival blepharoplasty, and in other cases they are almost invisible. Provided that you turned to an experienced surgeon, after the intervention, thin white stripes will remain on the skin, which will disappear on their own over time.

However, nothing prevents you from speeding up the process and completely protecting yourself from unpleasant consequences. At the initial stage (within three months after the operation), you can use anti-scar preparations that are designed to prevent the formation of scars. Just be careful: they should not be applied to incisions that have not yet healed. The use of drugs is best agreed with the doctor. “Three months after the operation, you can do hardware resurfacing of scars, as a result of which they will become invisible,”

How many times can blepharoplasty be done?

In plastic surgery, there is such a thing as repeated blepharoplasty. It is resorted to if the first operation was performed incorrectly: the patient's eyelids are deformed or problems arise during the rehabilitation period. Let us remind you once again that you should only contact a qualified specialist for blepharoplasty - this way you will not become a victim of a medical error, and the result of the operation will please you for many years.

On average, according to Artem Prokofiev, the effect of blepharoplasty lasts for ten years: “With proper care and visiting a beautician, the result is three times longer.” To maintain the effect over time, you can do a second blepharoplasty.