The baby turns his head back and forth in a monotonous rhythm ... Parents begin to worry - maybe something is wrong with the baby? In 99% of children, such movements are normal development of motor skills or just a game. But sometimes strange behavior signals serious disorders.
The child shakes his head from side to side - a game or a disease?
Already at the age of a month, children can turn their heads while lying on their side. The stronger the muscles and bones become, the more movements the baby masters. He sticks his neck out when he crawls, shakes his chin in excitement, and even nods his head in imitation of the word "yes." And suddenly, at the age of 5-6 months, the baby begins to turn his head.
The rotational movement is repeated many times. Some children twist and sway with their whole body for 15 minutes in a row. Parents are afraid of strange behavior, but it is quite natural.
Here are 7 reasons why a child shakes his head:
- learns new motor skills;
- attracts attention;
- tired and wants to sleep;
- happy or excited;
- feels itching from teething;
- explores own feelings;
- bored.
By observing your baby, you will quickly understand what causes him to spin. Go to meet him - put him to bed, give him a dental ring or just caress him.
It has been observed that boys like to turn their heads and even bang them against a crib or wall more often than girls. Boys aged 6-7 months especially like such fun.
Should I go to the doctor if the child is shaking his head?
There are times when rotational movements should be a concern. Parents should consult a pediatrician if the child:
- sways more violently with excitement;
- does not communicate with family members;
- does not respond to the voices of relatives, music, barking dogs, etc.;
- noticeably lags behind in speech and mental development;
- inflicts wounds on himself while moving.
These symptoms may be indicative of autism, a developmental disorder of the brain. A medical examination is especially important for a child who has had unusual behavior for more than 2 years.
Sometimes head shaking, combined with loud crying, poor sleep, and restlessness are signs of an ear infection or severe teething pain. The pediatrician will identify the disease during the examination.
When a child shakes his head, you need to look at his other habits and features. Does he normally eat, smile, react to the world around him? So it's all right! He just wants you to play with him.
Expert opinion
What to do if the baby experiences pain during teething? Should I use products containing lidocaine?
The uncontrolled use of these drugs very often leads to dangerous consequences in the form of allergic reactions or the occurrence of more serious and dangerous complications for the health and life of the baby, one of which is an overdose of the main component of such gels - lidocaine. Oral gels containing lidocaine are prohibited for use in infants.
- Is it worth using gels and suppositories containing only herbal ingredients?
Definitely not. After all, their effectiveness has not been proven. And the use of such drugs very often provokes allergic reactions.