I am annoyed by bloggers who in all the photos take one “correct” half-turn pose, arch their backs and make a languid look. At the same time, I myself have two photography modes: “like a passport” and “with an idiotic smile”, and among dozens of photos, I successfully turn out on one. I don't like myself on video and I'm embarrassed by the sound of my own voice.

The expert told how to become more photogenic


If you don’t like to shoot because you don’t look good in photographs or videos, if at such moments the thought “Here, now you have to smile again, build something out of yourself ...”, then this material is for you.

Think about how shy you are. Do you like numerous communication and live contacts with other people? Or do you consider yourself an introvert, or even a sociopath? The reasons for the fear of the camera may be the result of fear to appear, to be noticeable, to be in the spotlight.

Psychologists believe that photogenicity reflects the spiritual world, self-confidence, emotional state and level of emancipation. All this can be developed, which means that you can change your own photogenicity.

Why does the "camera effect" occur?

As soon as we see the camera, it immediately seems to us that we are being watched and from this there is a desire to look better. The focus of attention shifts to “we loved ones” - and we think: “How do I look? Is the belly/thighs/double chin visible? God, where are my hands? What's up with the hair?" We begin to make convulsive movements, smile stupidly and behave unnaturally. This leads to clipping and, as a result, to unsuccessful photos or videos.

Our task is to learn how to pull attention outward and focus it on the task.

What do you want to get as a result? The answer “Get beautiful in the photo” is not good, you have to look deeper.

You will post these photos on social networks and show them to your friends. What for? What do you want from these people? What emotions evoke? For example, this is a family photo, and you want those who look at it to have emotions of joy and feelings of warmth and comfort. Imagine a person close to you behind the camera lens and confess your love to him. Not out loud, of course, but mentally. You yourself will not notice how your internal state will change and your face will take the necessary form.

And if you have a photo shoot in the image of a fatal beauty or Casanova, then imagine the object of your passion behind the camera and indulge in the most frank sexual fantasies about this person. If you find the courage to do this, then a powerful attraction will arise, which will be recorded by a photo or video camera.

Engage in relaxation.

Allow yourself to be a little less serious. Remember how natural children and animals are in their spontaneity. They do not have the restrictive patterns of behavior in polite society and the habit of hiding and suppressing emotions.

Start paying attention to your emotions in everyday life and, when the situation allows, allow yourself to suppress them a little less. Did a friend tell you a funny anecdote? Allow yourself to laugh out loud. See a sad movie? Cry. Has there been any trouble? Do not rush to switch to something positive, try to enjoy the experiences, let them burn inside you.

Remember that the life of emotions is fleeting, and you cannot physically experience any emotions for more than a few minutes, after which you will definitely feel better. Having got used to doing this, you will begin to perceive ongoing events with greater inclusion, free yourself from clamps, life will be perceived brighter and more interesting. Remember that the most important thing in shooting is to convey live emotions. It will work if you love them and start living.

We also need emotional expressiveness.

Allow yourself to feel and experience emotions. Remember that there are no bad or shameful emotions. To do this, use the exercise "Masks".

Stand in front of a mirror and depict the emotion “joy” on your face. Make it as bright, exaggerated and even unnatural as possible. Well, if you add sounds and connect the body. When you realize that you can’t do better, freeze and stand like this for 10 seconds. Then reset, relax your face, do a “horse exhalation” (prrr) and take on another emotion. Work through sadness, fear, anger, trust, admiration, and other emotions.

During the exercise, do not think about the plausibility or naturalness of the depicted emotions, they will seem pretentious - as they should be. Our task is to accustom the body to experience emotions. The body, in turn, will give a signal to the brain and, gradually, you will begin to experience emotions that are forgotten or suppressed in life.

Over time, the experience of emotions will become natural and harmonious. And the next time you are filmed, you will feel free, regardless of the emotions you experience.

So, the recipe for photogenicity.

1. We decide what we want to get as a result, and direct attention to the completion of this task.

2. We allow ourselves to experience emotions in the frame. We remember that any emotions are good, and will look interesting if they are not simulated, but arose naturally.

3. Add emotional expressiveness. We develop facial muscles and maintain the skill in everyday life.

Try it! It's easier than it looks.