Wrinkles of "sorrow": we will analyze with a cosmetologist the reasons for their appearance and modern methods of correction.

Old for 10 years: what are puppet wrinkles and how to deal with them

Puppet wrinkles - this is what is often called quite deep creases of the skin that descend from the corners of the mouth down. They are formed by labiomental skin folds and become noticeable after 30 years. Outwardly, it looks like the omission of the corners of the mouth. The main reason for their manifestation, of course, age-related changes.The facial muscles relax, the skin and subcutaneous fat become thinner, the ligaments are stretched. All this leads to the formation of "dull" furrows.

It happens that marionette wrinkles are mimic and are associated with static tension of the chin muscle and the muscle that lowers the corner of the mouth. In some cases, the muscles of the neck are also involved. Related to this is the fact that even at a young age, these wrinkles can be pronounced.

What contributes to the formation of wrinkles

Sadness, melancholy, sadness - it is these emotions that lead to the early appearance of puppet wrinkles. The so-called negative facial expressions are the leading factor in their development. So negative experiences age your face in the literal sense of the word.

Be on the lookout if you regularly tense your mouth muscles. This is experienced by musicians who play wind instruments, as well as those who have a habit of biting their lips or prone to active articulation. Grief wrinkles can also occur due to loss of teeth. The skin loses its frame and falls into the vacant space.

And to aggravate the situation with creases in the chin area, a sharp weight loss is capable, especially in women after 35-40 years. Collagen synthesis at this age decreases, the skin becomes less elastic and, with the loss of fatty tissue, cannot be fully reduced.

How to correct puppet wrinkles

The most effective and effective way to reduce labio-chin creases is contouring. With the help of a filler based on hyaluronic acid, the hall is filled and the play of chiaroscuro is removed.

It is also possible to fill marionette wrinkles with a preparation based on calcium hydroxyapatite. The bonus of such a correction is the natural thickening of the skin. The active ingredient of the drug stimulates the synthesis of collagen. It is also a great option for women prone to puffiness. Calcium hydroxyapatite, unlike hyaluronic acid, does not attract water to the injection site.

Effectively corrects puppet wrinkles with thread lifting. Such a lift, as a rule, is prescribed for pronounced age-related changes.

Warming up hardware techniques that are aimed at enhancing collagen synthesis will also help to make creases less noticeable. In this case, the density and elasticity of the skin increases, the depth of the crease decreases and the wrinkles of grief become less noticeable. The maximum effect can be achieved by combining ultrasonic SMAS lifting with RF needle lifting.

Prevention of "puppets"

The main technique that allows you to delay the appearance of creases in the chin area is botulinum therapy of the lower third of the face. It gives a chance to relax the muscles that are in good shape and reduce muscle activity in this area.

Prevention also includes massage, facial gymnastics and taping.

Prevention of "puppets"

Manual massage allows you to work the muscles and ligaments. With its help, you can remove the hypertonicity of those muscles that are most involved in facial expressions. Plus, this procedure improves the blood supply to the skin, which in itself is useful for its renewal.

Home massage for the prevention of creases

You will get the greatest effect if you do massage with an emphasis on the oral mucosa. It's called internal. The emphasis in this case is on the corners of the lips, where the muscles are in maximum tone. Movements should be smooth and slow.

  1. With the tip of the tongue with a slight pressure, run along the circular muscle of the mouth (it should be in good shape). Do 10 such movements.
  2. Place the tip of the tongue in the corner of the lips, push it forward and back. Repeat 10 times.
  3. Knead the orbicular muscle of the mouth with three fingers: thumb from the mucosal side. Index and middle from the side of the skin. Repeat 10 times.