Many tattoo owners sooner or later think about how to get rid of a boring or inappropriate pattern. Their motives and reasons are completely different - from the inability to get a well-paid job to the unsuccessful execution of a sketch. Increasingly, cosmetologists carry out laser tattoo removal procedures, reviews and contraindications about them can be found in our article.

Laser tattoo removal

Laser tattoo removal and its contraindications

Despite the seeming safety of the modern method, laser tattoo removal has its own contraindications. These include:

  • injuries and violations of the integrity of the skin;
  • chemical and thermal burns;
  • psoriasis, dermatitis, neurodermatitis and similar diseases;
  • cancer and some forms of diabetes;
  • viral and other infections - AIDS, hepatitis;
  • blood pathologies and acute conditions - fever;
  • malfunctions of the cardiovascular system;
  • epilepsy and exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • female risk factors - pregnancy, breastfeeding, menstruation.
Also, persons under the influence of narcotic drugs and in a state of alcoholic intoxication are not allowed to the tattoo removal procedure.

How is the removal

The process of removing a tattoo is not pleasant. Its duration depends on many factors. The three most important ones are:

  • depth of penetration of the needle under the skin
  • the type of pigment used in the work
  • the size and area of ​​the shaded area.
So, for a simple amateur picture applied with black ink, it takes from 2 to 8 sessions. A professional and multi-color tattoo will be removed after about 15 procedures, and the initial result of its removal will be noticeable only by 5-6 sessions.

There are many laser tattoo removal videos that will help you understand how this cosmetic intervention takes place. But still - it does not reveal all the nuances. And there are a lot of them.

  1. Elementary haste leads to a decrease in the quality of the work performed by the masters and to the possible appearance of scars.
  2. There are recommended breaks necessary for the healing of the upper layers of the epidermis - they are one month. Therefore, the removal of a seemingly small picture can be delayed for a year, or even more.
  3. The opinion that the image is deleted in fragments is also erroneous - the entire shaded area is processed. Under the action of a laser beam, the pigment loses its saturation until it becomes completely invisible.
  4. The popular neodymium laser, although the safest method, has a bad effect on the health of the skin - under its influence, its characteristics, from color and density to its texture, can change.
  5. In case of hypersensitivity, the patient develops red spots. But, as in the case of changes in the properties of the skin, all these are temporary manifestations that disappear after 2-3 weeks.

Care after the procedure

Some of the most common questions among those who want to reduce a tattoo are whether special preparation is needed for this process and how to care for a tattoo after laser removal. We will answer them in order.

The place where the picture will be reduced really should be prepared. From it it is necessary to shave off the hair and degrease the skin with alcohol. Also, it should not contain any traces of cosmetics and perfumes.

Care after the laser tattoo removal procedure consists in protecting the skin area treated with radiation for two weeks from exposure to sunlight and ultraviolet radiation. For this purpose, a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 is used. In no case should it be confused with a tanning agent! A few days after a visit to a beautician, no injuries or damage should be allowed in the treated area.

Do scars remain after laser tattoo removal?

Not every tattooed person decides to get rid of irrelevant drawings. Stop factors are the fear of pain and the likelihood of unaesthetic scars on the skin. And if until recently only those who were not afraid of the prospect of pain and external defects decided on removal, now the situation has changed for the better.

Modern methods are very different from previously used surgical techniques:

  • excision of the upper layers of the skin
  • grinding the area with a picture - abrasion of the epidermis
  • infrared coagulation
  • etching with various acids.

Despite their effectiveness, they are all highly traumatic and lead to the risk of even worse appearance.

If we take into account the benchmark for whether scars remain after laser tattoo removal, then neodymium devices exclude this possibility. There are two main methods used to work with them.

  • Vaporization - high-frequency radiation penetrates the dermis without harming its surface and acts only on the coloring pigment that has not been deposited in the deep layers of the skin. But this method is only good for removing tattoos made by specialists. Beginners and amateurs clog the paint very deeply, so it will not be possible to achieve a positive result in this case.
  • Selective photocavitation - similar to vaporization, the beam penetrates through the cells of the epidermis without disturbing their structure. It affects only the dye of a particular color laid under them, causing its small explosions and the complete destruction of the coloring pigment. Decay particles are excreted from the body naturally due to their molecular size.
Of course, the entire risk of scarring is reduced to zero if the procedure is performed only by an experienced cosmetologist.

Does it hurt to remove a tattoo with a laser: reviews

Based on the reviews of the procedure, we can say that this is far from a painless method. But it is worth taking into account individual sensitivity, each person has his own pain threshold. Therefore, focusing on someone's feelings from the process of removing or applying a tattoo on the body is not worth it.

Pain from the operation of a neodymium laser is quite natural. They are comparable to the stuffing of the picture itself. But their intensity is not comparable to the pain of healing after chemical or surgical removal of ink, as well as these methods themselves.

The selected area of ​​the body also plays a role in the degree of unpleasantness of the process. But do not forget about the wide range of various anesthetics that can completely get rid of them.

How to remove old eyebrow tattoo

Recently, the procedure for removing permanent make-up of the eyebrows has become more and more relevant. The reasons for such an act may be different:

  • over the years, the paint has lost its original color;
  • does not triple the shape and color of the result;
  • extreme case - unsuccessful unprofessional performance of the procedure.
Do not rush to do this procedure at home on your own. This can lead to disastrous consequences, such as chemical burns to the skin.

You should contact permanent makeup specialists, because in some cases they can solve the problem by covering the old layer. To do this, simply perform a new procedure with scientist adjustments.