Blue? Or maybe brown? To help future parents, scientists have come up with a special calculator.

How to find out what color your child's eyes will be

When do children change eye color?

Immediately after the birth of a child, the functions of vision have not yet been formed. Up to three months, he sees only light spots, and only by six months begins to distinguish figures.

Many babies are born with blue or blue eyes. All because of the color pigment melanin - there is very little of it in the baby's body. Over time, the color of the eyes begins to change, and by the age of three it is already completely formed. So if a blue-eyed baby was born to you, do not flatter yourself with illusions - it is quite possible that by the year the baby will amaze everyone with a deep look of brown eyes.

But if a baby was born with brown eyes, then 90 percent guarantee that this color will continue in the future.

How does the color of the eyes of a newborn change?

The main thing to know is that the eyes cannot become lighter ! Immediately after birth, the baby begins to produce melanin under the influence of light. It gives the eyes a shade laid down by the genes. In the womb, of course, there was no ultraviolet radiation, hence the light color of the eyes of most European babies.

Therefore, the iris darkens for everyone, but for some it acquires a golden or copper hue over time, for others it is blue, gray or green.

Blue-eyed : with children whose genes have blue eyes, metamorphoses occur most often. True, parents may not even notice them. The eyes only change color from pale blue to deep blue or gray-blue, or even turquoise.

In general, light is the most “deceptive” color. The hue will not become permanent either in a year, or even in three. There are cases that the color changes even after 5 years of the child. However, already at 1.5-3 years old, mom and dad will be able to at least accurately determine who the baby went to - the direction will already be clear, there is practically no chance that a blue-eyed three-year-old child will change eye color to dark brown. But now it will be sky blue or grayish blue, it will become clear later.

Brown-eyed : by the age of two months, usually in children, melanin reaches the volume that allows you to determine the future color of the child's eyes. If the baby's eyes have acquired a warm shade by this time, then you just have to wait for their further transformation into brown. By the age of three, these children will have the same eye color as their entire subsequent life.

Green- eyed : green is a "wandering" color. Especially if mom and dad have different eye colors. The baby will have either a father or a mother. You can only draw conclusions when the child is three years old.

Grey-eyed : this color appears in a child as early as six months, if laid down by genes. It rarely changes, except that over the years it can darken quite a bit, but it will no longer turn into blue or brown.

How can you predict what eye color a newborn will have?

We talked about melanin and the fact that the future eye color depends on it. The iris does not darken in an instant. This is a slow process. But you can draw conclusions when the baby is six months old. Future eye color... speckled. Take a close look at the iris. If small brown spots began to appear there, then the transformation of your blue-eyed baby into brown-eyed has already begun. The dots can be blue or green.

How to determine the color of the eyes of a child in the future

Genes are responsible for the color of the baby's eyes - as well as for everything else. The only question is, whose will win: mom's or dad's. However, even if both parents have gray eyes, the child may well be born brown-eyed. And vice versa.

The child inherits the genes of both parents in equal shares. But it is important to remember that there are dominant and recessive traits - we once taught this in biology lessons. The strongest dominant is brown. Green is weaker, and the weakest is blue. It turns out that blue-eyed children are born least often if one of the parents (or even grandparents) has brown or green eyes.

By the way, brown is the most mysterious color. It is often a mixture of brown, green and amber.

To predict what the baby's eyes will be like, scientists even came up with a special calculator. Thanks to him, you can try to predict what kind of eye color the baby will end up with.

You can follow the following patterns:

- in babies with brown eyes, the color will not change;

- if both parents have brown eyes, then the probability that the child will have the same is 75%; that he will be green-eyed - 19%; that the eyes will be gray or blue - 6%;

- if one of the parents has brown eyes, the other has blue eyes, then a green-eyed child will definitely not come out. The baby will either have brown eyes or blue eyes - 50 to 50;

- one of the parents is brown-eyed, the other is green-eyed: the probability that the child's eyes will be brown is 50%, green - 38%, blue - 12%;

- both parents are green-eyed: the probability that the baby will have brown eyes is less than one percent, green - 75%, blue - 25%;

- if one of the parents has green eyes, the other has blue eyes, then the child will inherit the eye color of one of them with equal probability;

- if mom and dad are blue-eyed, then the baby is 99% likely to be the same. One percent remains for green eyes.

Of course, these are averages, and there are certain percentages of other variations.

Can a child get eye color from grandparents?

Usually parents study all sorts of tables for the color of the eyes of the unborn child, which only talks about mom and dad. But we must not forget that eye color can be inherited, and not only from parents. Well, more precisely, not entirely from them, they carry the genes laid down by their ancestors.

Hence the situations when a brown-eyed son is born to brown-eyed parents, and then ... a blue-eyed grandson.

We remember that brown is dominant, and blue is recessive, that is, weaker. But a person even with brown eyes can be a carrier of both. For example, if his mom and dad or grandparents had bright eyes.

No one knows when this gene will fire. But if a blue-eyed person was in your family, then the chances that you carry his gene (even though you have brown eyes), and then pass it on to your child, are very high. It is our ancestors who can give eye color to a new generation. For example, if a brown-eyed woman had a blue-eyed grandfather, then paired with a blue-eyed man, she can give birth to a blue-eyed son.

But if her brown-eyed partner becomes her husband, then the chances will be much less.

The rarest eye color

Brown-eyed people are the most on the planet, we know this from biology lessons. But green-eyed ones are the least likely to be born.

This is generally the most mysterious color, because even in a pair of two green-eyed people, a green-eyed child is not necessarily born. But at the same time, green can “pop out” in a generation or several. Only two percent of the world's population has a green iris.

Does eye color affect vision?

Grandmothers used to say that a baby sees the world “upside down”. This, of course, is not so, but in some ways they are right - the child does not see the world the way adults do. In the first days of life, all the surrounding space and people are just blurry spots for him. He cannot single out individual objects, details, faces, even though moms and dads would like to.

In fact, the baby is glaring at your face with his eyes not because he knows, fell in love, found out - he is just trying to see. But nature deliberately made it so that he sees indistinctly: undeveloped vision is a protective mechanism to protect a newly born being from many, many visual stimuli.

Best of all in the first months of life, children see red, which is why babies like toys of this color so much.

Eye color, of course, does not affect this. Features of vision in newborns depend not only on the structure of the eyes, but also on the development of the brain.

How the color of a child's eyes affects the character

Researchers from the University of Queensland and the University of New South Wales conducted a study on the effect of eye color on a person's personality. Scientists, among whom were psychologists, have identified a certain general pattern among people of the same color of the iris.

Light-eyed and gray-eyed : Northern Europeans took part in the study. Among people with gray and blue eyes, there were more selfish and less pleasant people. They are more focused on themselves than on others, but at the same time, such people achieve great success in their work.

There are also many surveys of people about the effect of eye color on character. Society believes that blue-eyed people are less trustworthy than brown-eyed people. But at the same time, they are more attractive to the opposite sex, they are considered creative and interesting personalities.

Brown-eyed, on the contrary, are more friendly. They are less impulsive. Judging by the polls, such people are considered kind, modest, talented, but at the same time less promising in terms of building a career.

Green eyes are considered a sign of sexuality, cunning and creativity.