Every hostess at least once in her life experienced difficulties in planning dinners or lunches for the week. What to do if you are tired of the usual dishes, - said in the article.

Dried tomatoes, hummus and 3 more budgetary ways to diversify your usual menu

Tips to make your diet more interesting

Add a new product

Let something new appear in the usual set of products. Diversity can be achieved through vegetables and fruits.Experiment with salads and appetizers.Don't forget nuts and seeds. They can be used as a snack or as an addition to main dishes. 

Use different cooking methods

For example, take ordinary chicken eggs. If there are many unusual ways to cook them - pickle, poach, bake avocados in boats, use for a fluffy omelet or shakshuka. Or oatmeal - the scope for imagination is huge. The product is suitable for making milk porridge, healthy snack bars or granola

Use unusual combinations

Don't be afraid to add new dressings, spices and herbs to your favorite dishes. For example, instead of fatty mayonnaise, use Greek sauce with herbs and garlic. Cereals are suitable for salads - couscous, bulgur and others. For dressing, you can make a mix of olive oil, mustard and honey. 

Get inspired

If you don’t have the patience and time to create new recipes, visit culinary sites, watch videos on the Internet, or look at a special section on Lisa.ru. Perhaps you have a couple of favorite food bloggers - it's time to take their advice.

Give a second life to yesterday's dishes

Leftovers from dinner can be used as the basis for creating a new dish.. For example, pasta makes an excellent casserole if you add minced meat, tomato sauce and a little cheese. Sausage and meat cuts from the festive table will be useful for making hodgepodge or pizza. 

How else can you diversify the menu

  1. Eat inexpensive but nutritious foods - use legumes as a source of protein. It is not necessary to cook pea soup, try new, not very familiar dishes: falafel, hummus, lentil patties. 
  2. Prepare delicacies at home , such as sun-dried tomatoes. Cut the tomatoes into halves and quarters, drizzle with olive oil and send to the oven. It will turn out no worse than in the store. 
  3. Make spring rolls instead of sandwiches - take transparent rice "paper", add different ingredients and wrap. 
  4. Use the broth for second courses - if left at the bottom , freeze in ice molds. Great for sauces and side dishes. 
  5. Reanimate butter with spices - a product lying around in the refrigerator can be refreshed with garlic, herbs, citrus fruit zest.