Nevaki are calm, loyal and intelligent animals. There will be no problems with education, but the coat will require careful care. All the nuances of the breed were revealed in the article.

Neva masquerade cat: what kind of breed is it and how to care for it

History of the breed

The Neva Masquerade cat began to be bred by Russian breeders in the late 80s of the twentieth century. The breed leads its line from Siberian cats, but who is responsible for the color is still being debated. According to one version, he got it from the Persians, according to another - from Siamese cats. 

For the first time a new breed was presented at an exhibition in Leningrad in 1988. It owes its name to the main river of St. Petersburg - the Neva, and the unusual color of the muzzle, resembling a mask. True, at first the Neva Masquerade was recognized as one of the varieties of Siberian cats, it became an independent breed only in 1992. 

Neva masquerade cat: description of the breed

These animals have a representative and self-confident appearance. No wonder, because non-Vaki cats often reach 10 kg in weight, and cats - 6 kg. In general, the body is of medium length, strong and voluminous with well-developed muscles. The cheeks are plump, the jaws are sufficiently developed, the cheekbones are slightly lowered. 

The ears are wide, slightly rounded on top, the distance between them is approximately one ear. The eyes are round, the color is strictly blue according to the standard, but may be greenish up to a year. Red cats have bright blue eyes. The paws are strong, the limbs are of medium length, hair grows between the fingers. The tail is fluffy, reminiscent of a fox. 

The coat is semi-long, shiny and repels water. The hairs form a mane and elegant "pants", but in the molting season there is little left of this "outfit". In winter, the undercoat becomes dense and thick. 

The wool of the Neva Masquerade is always dyed in light colors, the differences are only in the “mask”. Depending on the spots, they distinguish:

  • red point;
  • tortoise point (girls only);
  • blue point;
  • seal point, seal tabby point.

The latter variety occurs quite often, the spots should be markedly expressed. 

Neva masquerade cat: character and behavior

Representatives of this breed behave nobly, have a pronounced sense of dignity. The owners are allowed to show familiarity to themselves, but strangers should not pick her up, somehow provoke her. In general, they behave calmly and balanced, become attached to people, but do not show obsessive behavior. They like to "chat" and listen attentively as well. Always ready to soothe with your purr. Representatives of this breed understand the prohibitions from the first time.

Nevaks are very active, love outdoor games, “hunt”. They constantly want to be in the know: if the owner is doing household chores, then the cat will spin around, show a desire to help. Do not ignore any object in the apartment. They do not show aggression towards other animals, they easily find a common language with pets. The only thing is, like born hunters, they ruthlessly deal with mice, moles, parrots . 

Key qualities:

  • High Intelligence - Nevaks understand most words in human speech. They quickly become accustomed to the tray, remember simple commands. 
  • Non -aggressive - the cat avoids conflicts, behaves friendly. 
  • Moderate activity - love outdoor games, but destroy the house when left alone.  
  • The need for hair care - cats shed twice a year, the rest of the time you need to comb out 1-2 times a week. 
  • Good health - like other breeds of the aboriginal type, they have good immunity.
  • Hunting instinct - will pursue any moving target (from a mouse to a flying fly). 
  • Cleanliness - the breed is inherent in congenital disgust, go to the tray, do not leave surprises in the rooms. 
  • Devotion - like a dog attached to all family members. 
  • Distrust of strangers - do not like strangers, usually hide in a secluded place with the arrival of guests. 
  • They are loyal to small children - they patiently endure careless touches and hugs. 
  • Talkative - they like to meow in response to questions from the owner. From the outside, it looks like a full-fledged dialogue. 
  • Fastidious in food - very picky, may refuse food or eat it without pleasure. 

Care and maintenance

Nevaki need first of all to care for their coat, which is updated almost all year round. Especially carefully you need to look after the periods of seasonal molting: in autumn and spring. Bath procedures once a week will help get rid of vegetation. 

Bathing a cat will require a lot of effort: you need to apply shampoo at least three times, rinsing well. It is advisable to do this in a bath or basin, the amount of water should be about 10 cm, the temperature should be 38-40 degrees. The quality of the bath is evidenced by the creaking of wool. After bathing, the animal is dried using a hairdryer or towel. 

For bathing long-haired cats, special shampoos are sold. They make brushing easier. You can also use natural baby soap - safe for animals. It is better to accustom to bathing from childhood, so that there are no problems with molting. Water procedures are repeated every two months, poured into a basin of water, washed, holding the front paws. Each manipulation must be accompanied by affectionate words so that the baby feels comfortable. 

Neva should be combed 2-3 times a week with a metal comb with blunt tips. If you are not lazy and regularly care for the coat, then tangles will not form. The resulting tangle can be carefully cut with nail scissors. It is not recommended to cut completely, dark wool will grow. 

Eyes, ears and teeth also require hygiene. The auricle is cleaned once a month with a cotton swab with olive or petroleum jelly. Eyes can be wiped with a weak tea solution, special toothpaste and a brush are sold for teeth.    

What to feed a cat

The Neva Masquerade breed is not overweight, although it has a good appetite. What to feed - natural food or dry food - is up to the owner. In any case, food should be balanced and contain useful minerals and vitamins. Dry food of a class not lower than premium. From meat it is worth choosing beef, chicken, rabbit meat. 

You can add fermented milk products, eggs, stewed vegetables, cereals, in a small amount - liver, sea fish. Do not mix natural and dry granules. With natural food, you need to buy special sticks for cleaning plaque. Clean drinking water should always be available to the public. Adult animals are fed 2 times a day, kittens - 5 times a day, gradually reduce the number of meals. 

What are the diseases of Neva Masquerade cats

The main danger is a hereditary disease in which blood stagnates in the pulmonary vessels (hypertrophic cardiomyopathy). It is impossible to detect in the early stages, the acute phase manifests itself in shortness of breath and chronic fatigue. 

Another problem is long hair, whichcan enter the stomach and clog it with lumps. They are not digested and cause an upset of the digestive system. It is impossible to get rid of the animal, therefore they cause vomiting with vegetable oil. One teaspoon is enough.

How long do Neva masquerade cats live

Nevaks inherited excellent health and good immunity from relatives (Siberian cats). Among this breed there are representatives who live up to 20 years or more.

How to choose a kitten and how much it costs 

You need to buy a kitten after reaching 3 months of age. Until this time, it is better for the baby to stay with his cat family. Nevaki kittens are born snow-white, without spots and look much larger than kittens of other breeds. 

In order not to risk money and not make a mistake with purebredness, they acquire a fancy masquerade in the nursery. Together, the animals are given a veterinary passport, metrics and pedigree. The veterinary passport will contain data on vaccination and deworming.

It is worth paying attention to the appearance, behavior of the kittens and the general atmosphere in the cattery. If the kids are contact, not shy, not nervous, then they did not grow up in a cage, but in comfortable conditions. Such a kitten will quickly get used to a new family and there will be no problems with behavior and accustoming to the tray.  

There are nurseries in all major cities of Russia, most of them in St. Petersburg and Moscow. Prices depend on the region and the class of the pet itself. Those who can participate in exhibitions are the most expensive. For home maintenance, it is better to choose pet-class kittens, without “bells and whistles”.