Summer, heat, unpleasant yellow marks on the armpits of your favorite blouse. No, the last point here is definitely superfluous.

How to remove sweat stains from a white shirt: 7 sure ways

Sweat stains on clothes are not actually sweat stains. Unpleasant yellow marks are left as a result of the interaction of antiperspirants that contain aluminum with our body. By the way, doctors hint that deodorants with aluminum are not the most useful thing, but without this trace element, the antiperspirant will be ineffective.

When washing in a typewriter, even at the highest temperature, these spots for some reason remain in place. Is it forever? No. It turns out that there are ways to reanimate your favorite white thing. And for this you do not need expensive bleaches. The usual tools that you already have in your kitchen are enough.

Laundry soap, hydrogen peroxide, soda, vinegar and salt do an excellent job with yellowness on the fabric. We tell you what to mix with what to bring life back to a white shirt.

7 sure ways

Method 1

Your main assistant is soap. Ordinary business. Despite its not very pleasant aroma and dubious color, it will perfectly cope with traces of sweat. It is necessary to soak the item in soapy water and after 15 minutes wash it as usual. The spots will disappear before your eyes, but only if they are fresh.

Method 2

The following composition is no less effective: three tablespoons of liquid soap are mixed with soda and salt - a tablespoon each. Apply the mixture to the stain, hold for half an hour, and then wash as usual.

Method 3

Another option is baking soda with water. We dilute soda with water so that we get a slurry, smear the stain with the mixture, wait 15 minutes and send the item to the wash.

Method 4

We take hydrogen peroxide, pour it into a flower sprayer or any other spray bottle. We spray yellow spots and leave the thing to “marinate” for 15 minutes. After washing it will be like new.

Method 5

If the stain is old, you can use gasoline or ammonia. You need to wipe the stains with them, then rinse the clothes in warm water with soap.

Method 6

Helps remove salt stains. To do this, you need to prepare a solution - dissolve a tablespoon of salt in a tablespoon of water. Moisten a cotton pad and wipe the dirt. Then rinse the item in warm water. The method is suitable for clothes made of wool, silk.

Method 7

We launch heavy artillery. First, we dilute vinegar in warm water in a ratio of one to two. Soak the shirt in this solution for at least 20 minutes. Then mix half a glass of soda with a tablespoon of salt and a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide. Mix everything into a paste. We take out a shirt from vinegar, wring it out and smear the armpits with soda paste. We leave for another 20 minutes. After that, shake off excess soda from the fabric and send the thing to the wash.

The choice of method must be approached carefully so as not to spoil the thing even more. You can try to apply the selected product on the wrong side of the clothes. So the thing will be saved from damage. If no reaction occurs, the method can be safely used. With the right choice of bleaching method, you can return the clothes to their original appearance.

well forgotten old

If all this did not help, there is only one thing left. We'll have to resort to the old method - boiling, it's boiling. Important - it can only be applied to clothes made of natural cotton. Things from other materials will not survive such an execution, they will only have to be thrown away.

So, the recipe for the whitening procedure is as follows. Pour water into a large saucepan, add soap, cut into small pieces or grated, put a thing into the solution and put the pan on fire. It takes 2-3 hours to boil this hellish soup. After that, it remains only to wash the clothes in the usual mode with the addition of air conditioning.

By the way

Another problem that often overtakes lovers of white things is rust. It is worth washing a shirt together with a thing that has a metal decor or buttons, and hang it up immediately, as rust spots immediately begin to spread.