To begin with, think: do you really think that you can decide for another person who he should be in this life, despite the fact that you have not yet decided for yourself for sure? Let's talk about the pros and cons of the early development of the child with the doctor of pedagogical sciences Nadezhda Vorontsova.

Mom's ambitions: what can the early development of a child lead to

I remember how my parents decided to teach me music, regardless of my desire. I hated music for many years and deprived myself of this joy. Only now I realize that things could have been different.

Science trend

I want my child to become a famous scientist! Why do many mothers now seek to raise not stars or businessmen, but scientists? Is science trending? Partly it is. And educated ambitious mothers looked ahead and subtly felt it. After all, in factlimiting a child to a particular profession is now stupid.

The thinking of a research scientist gives those qualities that are successfully applied in any field. Do you want to raise a real scientist? Dare! Just first decide whether this is your decision or the desire of the child. Both will work if done correctly. However, the difference is fundamental.

It manifests itself in approaches, in technique, in actions and, as a result, in results. Of course, if we are talking about competent actions, and not empty ambitions . Answer yourself two simple questions:

  • What are my child's abilities?
  • Does he want to become a scientist himself?

How to understand it? Wait until old age for their manifestation? What about desires? Today I want, tomorrow I don't - what to do?

Abilities can manifest at any age. When I was working at school, a fifth grader approached me with a huge encyclopedia. Adjusting his glasses and burring a little, he asked what a person with ozone holes should do? A conversation ensued, and I was surprised how deeply and in detail this kid knows the topic! How much I am passionate about her, and I thought: I will definitely be a scientist!

Although at the same time it is worth adding that many famous scientists at school were losers and did not show any interest in the sciences. So, my teacher, professor academician Agafonov N.T., even at the university managed to flunk the session, and he was almost expelled! But this did not stop him from building a career as a scientist.

Time to start

You shouldn't wait long. It is important to identify the child's abilities in time and begin to develop! Take a simple test , which of these items is typical for your child?

  1. Curiosity and a fairly long interest in everything and especially in the little things.
  2. The desire to get to the bottom of the essence, to check, to see with my own eyes, to be sure.
  3. The desire to understand, remember, tell about it.
  4. The abundance of details enhances interest, not weakens.
  5. If there is no answer, he fantasizes and comes up with his own explanation.
  6. Everything has its own opinion.
If all this is about your child, congratulations! So, there are chances to grow a scientist! You might think that all children are open to the world and naturally curious, but no. For most, interest is superficial and passes quickly, and fantasy leads away.

The interest of the future scientist is different, and it must be developed. And for this we need a common strategy "Questions instead of answers!" and the Right Questions technique.

Independence is important

We, parents, are always in a hurry to answer every question of the child and become walking reference books, constantly explaining what and how. There are many explanations, but solid knowledge is obtained independently . Therefore, there is no need to rush to explain! Give your child a chance to think!

Just instead of a direct answer, ask more often the right questions that develop the necessary skills of a scientist. Some of these questions might begin with, “Do you think…”

  1. What does it look like? (comparison, choice).
  2. Why is it this color/size/shape? (relationships, cause-effect).
  3. What if it was a different color/size/shape? (changes and consequences).
  4. Why/who needs it? (use, function).
  5. Do you like it? How? (attitude, evaluation criteria).
  6. Is it beautiful/useful/interesting/fun? (characteristics, evaluation).
  7. Why so, and not differently? (argumentation, variability).
  8. what do you think about it? (own opinion, point of view).
  9. How to change to be better? (creativity, creativity).
  10. What do we do? (decision-making).
  11. Who will we tell? (pride, satisfaction).
Just be patient and don't try to answer questions ahead of time. After all, you develop the child, not yourself! Even if he does not want to be a scientist later, he will succeed in any business and build a qualitatively new interesting life.