Despite the presence of their own beds and beds, often pets prefer to sleep with their owners. But is it right?

It's dangerous: 5 reasons why you should never take your cat and dog to bed with you

Scientists believe that people who share a bed with their pet are at risk, because there are about 100 diseases that are transmitted to humans from pets. But not only this can disturb the owners of four-legged pussies.

So why not sleep in the same bed with a cat or dog? There are at least six reasons: five are rational and one is not.

Parasites and infections

Letting your beloved pet close to you, you potentially share a bed with parasites that may be in the animal's body. On the Internet, they talk about diseases that can be picked up from a pet, such as leptospirosis, toxoplasmosis, ringworm, rabies, fever, and even bubonic plague! Horror creepy!

To minimize the risk of contracting bacterial infections, you must carefully monitor the health of your pet. Vet check-ups, anthelmintics, flea treatment, vaccinations are all mandatory procedures.

Of course, you are much more likely to get infected if you allow your pet to lick your face, for example. But co-sleeping also puts your health at risk. Of course, you can not take a sick animal to bed.

Earth radiation background

What kind of miracle Yudo is this? And what does this have to do with pets? Are you hearing for the first time? And there is such a theory, and its author is Vicki Warren, an American electrical engineer and biologist who claims that you can’t sleep where a cat sleeps.

The thing is that cats are attracted to geopathic zones. Accordingly, if the purr comes to where you sleep, it means that all pathogenic energy is concentrated there. Such problem areas negatively affect a person and violate the regime of good rest.

If all this is true, then the cat should not be scolded, but thanked. After all, it turns out that potentially unfavorable places for relaxing in the house can be determined by a pet

restless sleep

You may not be able to get enough sleep because many cats are active at night. Any movement can be perceived by them as a call to play, and then the cat will begin to jump and frolic, which, of course, will interfere with your peaceful sleep.

The same can be attributed to dogs, which at any moment can jump out of bed to see what's going on outside the window, and then just as easily jump back.

The size of the dog also plays a role. If this is a baby chihuahua, then it will take up little space (although there is a risk of crushing the poor fellow), and if, for example, a German shepherd, then you should be prepared for the fact that your faithful friend will boldly chop off half of the territory.

Questionable hygiene

Sleeping in the same bed with your beloved dog or cat is, to put it mildly, unhygienic. Fur, drool, and litter from the litter box are more likely to end up on your sheets. Dirt from dog paws can also get into the bed. Of course, after each walk you wash your dog's paws, but it is impossible to clean them 100% of dirt.

What's more, the bed linen can also contain fecal particles that your beloved dog will deliver there. "Can't be! My Acey will never throw something like that!” you exclaim. Maybe it won't drop.

Or maybe you, so clean and tidy, still have to think about where the “chocolate” stains came from on the sheets. One way or another, our job is to warn, and yours is to take note.

Possible allergy

Allergy sufferers, in principle, are contraindicated in such pleasure as sleeping with a woolen companion. It’s not enough for you to manifest an unfortunate illness during the day, but also to get up in the middle of the night, going into bouts of sneezing, to shake off the hairs from the pillowcase?

Your pet should not sleep in the same room as you, let alone in the same bed. If your four-legged friend does make his way under your covers, you will need to change bedding more often, do a wet cleaning, and ventilate your bedroom more thoroughly to minimize the possibility of an allergic reaction aggravating.

Or get yourself a hypoallergenic pet. These cuties, both dogs and cats, are very popular now. And you will be protected at least from such misfortune as wool everywhere and everywhere.


Sleep will be lost, energy will be stolen and many more superstitions exist on this topic. And if the cat decides to move closer to the head and lie down to sleep there, then that's it, expect trouble. Imagine now what trouble will come if the cat also turns out to be black.

Opinions vary, no doubt. But, you see, this is the most unconvincing. You will find much more information about the fact that the animal has tender feelings for you than about what steals your good dreams.

Although scientists claim that cats are able to feel the concentration of adverse energy. And when you have insomnia, the body cannot tune in to deep sleep, just such an anomaly forms near your head - a center of unfavorable energy.

If a cat lies down right there, it will prevent you from falling asleep as a human being: they say that these animals somehow influence the magnetic waves emitted by a person, and not in the best way.

Separately, I would like to note that women who are in an interesting position are not recommended to have close contact, let alone sleep with cats. The same applies to small children up to 4-5 years old: a cat can inadvertently scratch a baby, and a dog can bite.

If you do not want your pet to sleep next to you, it is better not to let him into bed initially, thereby preventing the animal from getting used to it. Weaning a pet will not be easy. And, to be honest, myself too.