In social networks, recently there has been only talk about changing the shape of the nose without surgery. But here everything is not so simple. Plastic surgeon Tigran Aleksanyan talks about why there is no place for injections in the field of aesthetic surgery.

An injection in the nose: what is the danger of the trend for non-surgical rhinoplasty

Improve your nose, according to statistics, not against every second person. Someone does not like the size, others - nostrils, others - a hump or wide wings. And in the hope of getting closer to their dream as quickly as possible, some take hasty steps, which, alas, have not the most pleasant consequences. 

Prick in the nose

An ideal (according to the descriptions of cosmetologists and beauty salons) nose is formed from fillers based on hyaluronic acid. It is understood that a dense preparation instantly gives the nose the desired shape and fixes the result for a long time. From the promises, you can also hear that the transition between the forehead and the back of the nose will be smoothed out, the dimple on the nose will be filled, support will appear at the base of the nose, and the tip will be corrected. 

Of course, common sense dictates that such a manipulation will not work to reduce the nose.But even here, the right words are chosen to attract customers. The cosmetologist assures that with the help of an injection, you can visually create a more direct shape, “hide” the hump and, as it were, lay an ideal line due to the play of chiaroscuro and optical illusion.

Marketing tricks

What drives the majority of women and men who go for a similar procedure? Of course, beautiful promises. And everyone sees many advantages in non-surgical intervention: less financial investment, no general anesthesia and quick recovery without interrupting everyday life. 

Even photographs are used, which depict the faces of happy owners of new spouts . And behind the scenes there are those details that are not accepted to be reported.

What is the danger

It would seem that the procedure is simple: hyaluronic acid does not cause reactions in the tissues, it dissolves itself, and if the patient is dissatisfied, an antidote will help to correct the situation.But our nose is a complex vascular system. And an invasive procedure is not the right place for him.

So, the drug can easily get into the arteries of the nose, which are connected to the artery of the eye, and then irreversible consequences are possible, up to blindness. There is a variant of the procedure using a cannula, a special medical tube, but it is not considered completely safe either:

  • there is a high probability of damage to the vessels during the procedure;
  • a large amount of the drug can cause compression of the capillaries of the tip of the nose and lead to its necrosis ;
  • if the doctor notices a change in the color of the tissues and removes the filler to avoid necrosis, then only a plastic surgeon can correct the situation.

Injections vs operations

Injections with hyaluronic acid always increase tissue volume. And if the patient is dissatisfied with the shape of his nose, its size, then nothing will change after the introduction of the drug.

But such a procedure can be very harmful to health. Technology is dangerous, but many agree to it to save money.Although in the end you will have to pay twice. In their practice, surgeons often face the consequences of such injections, redo the “work”, trying to restore the person’s faith in a good result and first using hyaluronidase to completely remove the drug.

It is true that surgery can be scary. And the word "operation" certainly sounds a little scarier than "injection". But in the first case, you can be sure of the result: a harmonious nose, a smooth partition and a restored respiratory function. And the rehabilitation now, by the way, is not so long. To speed up the resorption of hematomas and edema, you can use microcurrent therapy and special serums.