The cuticle grows quickly after a manicure, what should I do? Reasons for the rapid growth of the cuticle after hardware manicure

The reasons for the fast growth of the cuticle after a manicure. Ways to slow down cuticle growth.

The cuticle is the skin around the nail, which does not have a protective function. The main task is to protect the nail from the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms and damages. In this article we will explain why, after the manicure, the cuticle is quickly removed.  

How much cuticle retracts?

The speed of cleavage in this zone will depend on the type of cuticle and the correct choice of technique. For this moment it can be performed in several ways:  

  • Classical. Perform stroking of the fingers and moving the cuticle, pterygia with a pusher, with further removal with the use of scissors or tweezers. The option was used earlier, but now only some of the makers practice this method because of the fact that you have to wait about 15 minutes, so that the table is soft.  
  • Combined. The most popular technique that suspects the removal of small flaky scales using a machine and cutters. After the skin is lifted, it is cut with the use of cutters, tweezers or chunks.  
  • The hardware manual is carried out with the use of a milling cutter with a different set of cutters. In this case, the cuticle is taken using a bullet or flame cutter, and then removed using a ball or pear. This technique is ideal for dry hands that tend to rustle. Also this method is suitable for processing after allergic reactions. 


On average, the cuticle is removed in 14 days. But with the wrong technique, an inconvenient external view is possible after a few days.

Why quickly removes the cuticle after a suitable manicure?

Among women, in the last time, deep manicure has become quite popular, in the course of which the cutter-flame is started in the cut-out period, which has a good effect. Deep manicure implies the removal of small pieces of cuticle, which are inside, under the upper part of the skin. The human body does not always react to such a manipulation. Due to the soft matrix, damage is possible, as a result of which the legs grow curly, sideways or in waves. In addition, cracks can be observed along the nail. 

But this is not the only problem that arises as a result of deep manicure. Very often, due to an incorrectly chosen technique, during a few days after the manicure, the skin begins to peel off strongly, to build up with a large volume. In this way, just after a few days after the procedure, the nails look untidy, awkward, as if they had been a little overwhelmed for a while. In order for this not to happen, it is necessary to know a few tones, to choose the right technique.  

Why quickly removes the cuticle after a suitable manicure:

  • It is necessary to choose the correct abrasion of the cutter. Some makers, for the economy of time, use cutters with blue notches, which differ in large size of grains. The delicate skin is given to an aggressive impact.
  • Another reason for the excessively rapid hardening of the skin in the cuticle area is a strong pressure, an incorrectly adjusted speed of rotation of the cutter. If the cuticle is inadequately lifted, it cannot be cut after the first passage with a ball or cylinder. In this case, the maker can put pressure on the cutter, increase the speed. This provokes a burning sensation, cuts off not only the cuticle, but also touches the delicate skin, which was previously sanded. In this way, the delicate areas around the lateral rollers become overly sensitive. This promotes the further development of the cuticle. In this case, the best option is to choose a combined technique, not to use cuticle cutters. Also, do not choose too coarse abrasive. 


Cuticle pain after manicure: reasons

In no case should you use the equipment with wet hands. The point is that wet hands are poorly handled by milling cutters. That is why, to remove the strategy, it is recommended to apply a baby powder to the nail plate and the area of ​​the lateral rollers, cuticles, without any additional additives. This additionally dries the skin and prevents the cutter from knocking, the formation of saws in the area of ​​nails and skin. On wet hands, it is best to remove the cuticle not with the use of cuticles, but using a pair of legs or tweeters.   

Cuticle pain after manicure, reasons:

  • Very often after such a manicure, removal of the cuticle, the top of the lateral rollers and skin is distinguished by a burgundy shade and pain. This speaks of the fact that the skin is frayed, too many scrapes have been removed.
  • It is in this case that the cuticle grows very quickly in order to quickly reduce painful sensations. If, after saloon, unpleasant sensations are observed, and around the nails it burns, there is excessive sensitivity when pressure is applied to the cuticle and side picks, it is different.
  • Most likely, the wrong processing technique was selected, many layers of skin were removed.  In such cases, it is best to use delicate techniques, cut as few cuticles as you want to remove.
  • Leaving a small layer of the skin, the body receives a signal that the hands are not tampered with, therefore there is no need to protect them, and the cuticle draws a slow speed. Huge influence on the speed of cuticle growth has not only the technique of performing the manicure and the choice of cutters, but also the lifestyle of the client. As indicated above, there is a category that tends to fast cuticle growth. These are the girls who do all their home work without gloves. The point is that chemical agents, especially corrosive liquids for washing stoves, tiles and toilets, dry out the skin, damaging it.

Why quickly removes cuticles after manicure on dry hands?

It is worth paying close attention to the flaky skin. If the hands are working, especially this is for women who spend most of their time in the country and in the city, then it is not necessary to carry out a manicure in this way. The first step is to delete the strategy with the use of a pusher or an orange stick.

Why quickly removes the cuticle after the manicure on dry hands:

  • The main task is to move the cuticle back. However, if this does not happen, it is stuck, it is best for these purposes to use a safe cutter. With the help of this cutter, it is possible to separate the dense, rubbery, adhering cuticle from the surface of the nail and perform a high-quality manicure without violating the technology. On such hands, it is best to remove the cuticle by using scissors, tweezers, but after that, additionally carry out the polishing procedure with oil.  
  • It is recommended to repeat such manipulations if these are dry hands prone to rustling, allergic reactions, cracking. It will not be possible to simply cut the cuticle with scissors, since the skin instantly reacts to such manipulations and at an accelerated speed produces cells that are suitable.  
  • If there are burrows on the skin, you don't need to get the perfect manicure. This is a major problem for many makers who have Instagram pages or who make videos for YouTube. These areas require a perfect picture, because of what it is necessary to remove the small scales that are on the top of the cuticle. However, excessively deep skin removal and peeling can cause capillary damage and bleeding. On the hands of "rodents", people who are involved in hard, difficult work, seamstress, florists, cleaning workers, the cuticle really looks clean.  
  • In this way, for protection, the skin is forced to produce a larger number of cells, as a result of which the cuticle quickly retracts, it has an uncomfortable appearance after all. In this case, it is recommended to use gloves or to choose a gentle cleaning agent for sinks and toilets. 


Quickly removes cuticles after manicure: what to do?

Are subjected to tests of the hands of gardeners. In this case, the use of gloves is recommended, care is important. The point is that constant hand washing, as well as antiseptics, which are used very often during a pandemic and quarantine, also tend to dry out the skin. It is necessary to use moisturizing creams regularly. Give preference to manufacturers who produce products not only for hands, but also for nails. They contain a significant number of natural oils, which nourish the skin, preventing excessive growth of cells.   

Quickly removes the cuticle after the manicure, what to do:

  • It is necessary to use cuticle oil or to carry out uncomplicated care procedures. It is recommended to make baths with essential oils, or to rub the capsules of Aevit into the skin around the nails. This essentially moisturizes the skin, preventing her from excessive growth. It is recommended to use an orange stick two times a week to remove the cuticle. It is worthwhile to hold the instrument correctly and in no case introduce it with sharp movements deep into the subcutaneous pocket. In such a case, you risk damaging the nail or matrix, as well as provoking panaritium, firing as a result of bursting of capillaries and penetration of infection.  
  • If the cuticle is very coarse, sticky, it cannot be removed in a dry form with an orange stick, do the manipulation after a shower or taking a bath. As a result of the action of warm water, the skin becomes soft, supple, easily removed from the top of the nail. In no case is it necessary to cut the cuticle thoroughly before visiting the salon. The point is that the masters have their own technique, and the ordinary client does not know what tool to use for this and how to properly remove the cuticle. Most often, after such a home manicure, cuts, cuts or injuries are observed, which are caused by excessive impact of the skin around the corner. After such a manicure, it is difficult for the maker to clean the surface of the nail plate in order to evenly apply the gel polish. Debris can be observed, which in the future will damage the coating.   

Some salons have a paraffin bath service, but you don't have to use it. You can easily access all the necessary cosmetic products and carry out hand care in the home. Various baths are useful, which warm the skin, soften it, improving the absorbency of cream or butter, previously applied to the skin.  For daily care, regular oil will be sufficient, therefore, there is no need to use large amounts of aids on care procedures.