Already at the age of 45, the brain begins to age, and this is dangerous with impaired memory, attention, and diseases. To keep it clear and active, it is only necessary to make a few lifestyle adjustments. Moreover, the earlier you start, the better (although after 45 it is not too late either). 

Protecting Memory: Good Habits to Fight Brain Aging


1 Maintain Normal Blood Pressure and Cholesterol Levels

Many are surprised to learn that between heart disease and Alzheimer's there is a link . But after all, the vascular system supplies the brain with blood, which means that a violation of blood flow can lead to damage to the brain tissue.

The small arteries in the brain are sensitive to high blood pressure, and frequent hypertension can damage them. Higher blood pressure is directly linked to cognitive decline and damage to brain tissue.

According to research, the risk of Alzheimer's disease and other brain disorders doubles or more if the pressure is constantly in the range of 140-160 or higher.

And high cholesterol increases the formation of beta-amyloid plaques - damage characteristic of brain dysfunctions.

2 Check Your Vitamin D Level

Low vitamin D levels are associated with cognitive impairment, as this vitamin is involved in memory formation. Scientists have linked its deficiency to an increased risk of cognitive impairment in the elderly.

The optimal vitamin D level is between 30 and 45 ng / ml.

In addition, the vitamin is involved in regulating the transport and distribution of glucose and calcium to and within the brain, and may also protect cognitive function by reducing inflammation. 

3 Replenish Omega-3 Acids and Vitamin B12

Maintaining adequate levels of omega-3 fatty acids in the brain is an important measure for preventing neurodegenerative diseases in adulthood. Research has shown that adequate intake and normal levels are associated with increased brain volume and a reduced risk of Alzheimer's disease.

But the risk of vitamin B12 deficiency increases with age, about 20 percent of people over 60 years old experience either a slight deficiency or a deficiency. However, a lack of B12 causes problems in the brain, including confusion, depression, and poor memory.

Vegetarians, vegans and all lovers of exclusively plant foods are at risk for a lack of this vitamin, since it is not contained in it. (but there is plenty of it in meat products). In this case, you should at least take supplements.

4 Limit red meat consumption

Copper and iron, which are abundant in red meat , are beneficial, but in moderation. These minerals build up in the body over time and in excess can damage the brain.

Excess copper and iron contributes to the oxidative process in the brain and is involved in the formation of beta-amyloid plaques.

These beneficial substances can be obtained in non-hazardous quantities using safer products: legumes, seeds, etc.

5 Increase your intake of whole, plant-based foods

Perfectly at least 90% of the diet should be plant products (vegetables, fruits, legumes, seeds). A diet high in meat and low in meat and dairy products has been shown to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's by 36%, according to studies.

A serving of vegetables (preferably fresh, uncooked) should be eaten at least once a day.

6 Eat berries more often

The substances they contain can help alleviate oxidative stress in the brain, leading to a decrease in the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

Berries have a protective effect on the brain. It was found that their use slows down and even reverses the age-related decline in its functions helping to improve memory in the elderly.

7 Make nuts the main source of fat

Research shows that eating nuts - in particular walnuts - can improve brain function. They are rich in essential omega-3 fatty acids. They help improve memory and cognitive function in general, according to research.

8 Reduce the amount of salt

High salt intake increases blood pressure by damaging the thin blood vessels in the brain, impairing blood flow to brain tissue, and increasing your chances of cognitive impairment.

Instead of salt, you can use herbs and spices, or season dishes with citrus juice. 

9 Reduce the amount of sugar

Excess sugar can impair cognitive performance and can also increase blood pressure. High amounts of it cause a dangerous increase in blood glucose levels, which can damage blood vessels, which in turn contributes to a progressive decline in brain function.

Even a single case of hyperglycemia can be detrimental to memory and attention. and frequent exposure to glucose lowers mental performance.

Replace sugar with fresh fruits and berries, and you'll get a dose of fiber and antioxidants in the process.

10 Lead an active lifestyle

Regular physical activity has a beneficial effect on the brain at all stages of life. One of the likely reasons is that physical activity increases blood flow to the brain, and regular exercise helps maintain healthy blood vessels.

In people over 60, physical activity is directly linked to improved memory, cognitive function and response.

Sports also help brain tissue produce more mitochondria, which are responsible for cellular energy production.