When we were little, at first we protested against going to kindergarten, then we didn't always want to go to school and sometimes we skipped university. It's strange, and why is it that in adulthood we do not always rush to the office? But joking apart, the reluctance to go to work is sometimes so strong that it starts to depress. 

I don't want to go to work: 8 tips for what to do with it and how to beat apathy


Some people find it easy to get up and go to work every day, but others have to literally force themselves to do it. There are various reasons why you might not want to work, and some of them are very serious and difficult to overcome.

In other cases, the workplace has problems or deadlines that can ruin the mood and discourage any desire to go to a place that you previously liked very much.

What if you catch yourself thinking “I don’t want to go to work”? Below are some tips that might help.

1. Determine the reason for your unwillingness to work 

It is extremely difficult to fix a problem if you do not understand the cause of its occurrence. So ask yourself the question, "Why don't I want to go to work?" Do you have a particularly difficult project that you can't handle? Are you annoyed by new colleagues? Are you tired of the monotony of your duties?

When you have free time, try to find a quiet place to think about the root cause of your dislike for work. If you can narrow the circle of "suspects", it will be much easier to find a solution.

2. Check your mental health 

Sometimes the reason you don't want to go to work has to do with mental health. Mental health problems can be caused by things that are beyond our control.

If you feel like you don't want to go to work, and that feeling is getting stronger, it might be time for a mental health checkup and talking to a specialist. A psychologist will give you some professional advice and help you figure out why you feel so terrible. 

By allowing the professional to ask questions and investigate root causes, you can work together to develop a plan to overcome your negative feelings about your job.

3. Set a goal for yourself 

Your reluctance to go to work may be due to the fact that you do not have a set goal, and every employee needs them. The fun part about setting goals is that they don't have to be work-related.

If you want to set a goal for yourself that will make your job easier, it may be worth considering what you want to achieve in life outside the office. Do you want to remodel your kitchen? Do you dream of going to the sea?

These goals will require money, and to earn them you will have to work hard. Sometimes, setting these goals and working to achieve them can help you embark on your responsibilities with a new mindset, motivation, and determination. 

It is also good to set a goal in the workplace as well. Whether you're looking for a promotion or trying to break last year's sales records, having something to work on will certainly boost your motivation to head to the office in the morning.

4. Take a vacation 

The reason you don't want to work can be pretty commonplace - you're just burned out. If you are working overtime or have just finished a large project that took a lot of your time and energy, you may just need a little break.

If you don’t rest, you’ll reach a level of burnout, and then you don’t want to work anymore, or you won’t even be able to do it. The vacation doesn't have to be long or expensive. Sometimes it's enough to take a day off on Friday or Monday and just go about your business for three days in a row to feel like on vacation.

Yes, after your vacation it may still be difficult for you to get to work for a few days, but you should feel refreshed and ready for the next dash.

5. Change your daily routine 

It's amazing how much routine can affect our day. Many people get up to go to work, grab a quick snack, and run out the door. In the morning we often have absolutely no time for ourselves, and this can create a negative feeling associated with leaving for work. Sometimes one of the best ways to fix this is to change your daily routine.

It may seem crazy to wake up earlier, but it can completely change your day. Imagine for a minute in the morning when you got up, worked out, watched your favorite show, or read an interesting book. After such a leisurely enjoyment of a pleasant activity, you can feel more confident and happier. You will arrive at the office knowing that part of your day has already gone the way you wanted. 

If you feel like you’re not spending enough time on your personal needs each day, this can be a great excuse to revisit your schedule and make adjustments.

6. Study your qualifications and skills 

When the work gets really unbearable and you don't feel like doing it, it might be time to find another job. Take some time on your resume and start looking for a job that matches your skills and qualifications.

When you start doing this, you may realize that the time has come to change your profession, but you may also find that you can find a more pleasant position in your main specialty.

Also, as you study your skills, there is a chance to discover that there is a position in your current company that you think best suits your needs .

7. Implement a reward system 

Everyone loves the nice bonuses, and you can use them to get yourself back to work. Try to implement a reward system that will allow you to receive a "prize" for a certain amount of time worked.

For example, if you've been hard at work on a difficult project for two weeks in a row, allow yourself to spend some of your paycheck however you want. If you've been working overtime for almost a month, take one day off to be a little lazy. Reward systems are a smart option to help with motivation.

Most importantly, when creating a reward system, make sure to stay within your budget. Even something as simple as going to a cafe for breakfast on Friday, if you go to work every day, can be a sufficient reward for hard work.

8. Talk to friends and family 

One of the best ways to solve the problem of not wanting to work is to talk about it with your friends and family. Life can be difficult, and trying to deal with problems alone is not a good idea. Instead, talk to your loved ones and listen to their suggestions.

For example, they might suggest meeting you after work for dinner or watching a movie together to help make the work day less boring and difficult. In addition, you may find that someone you know went through the same situation as you, and he will be able to give advice and recommendations that he used himself to overcome the reluctance to go to work.