Active and sedentary games for children of different ages. Some of them will be interesting for adults too.
When your child's friends come to visit your home, on the one hand, it is good. You know exactly where he is and with whom he spends time, but on the other hand, this whole crowd needs to be occupied with something, especially if they are younger students. Otherwise, they will either blow the whole room apart, or they will sit for hours at computer games, which is definitely bad for the eyes .
Of course, children cannot be left without entertainment either during children's or during adult holidays. Preschoolers and those who already know that "change is only for teachers" need to rage in a good way and throw out their energy, and not get bored or indulge in nonsense while parents are having fun with their friends.
If moms and dads do not take care of how to do it right, then the kids will find a way out on their own. And, most likely, it will not be the best. Collected 9 interesting games that will help to stir up or distract from the stupidity of children of different ages.
How to keep children busy at home and on holidays: active games
1. Let's go
The game is suitable for children 6-8 years old.
Conditions: The parent invites his child to imagine himself as a typewriter, which is eating along a dark road. In order for the child's imagination to quickly immerse him in the proposed conditions, you need to place chairs or other objects around them that imitate highway markings, give the child something that looks like a steering wheel in his hands and blindfold. Mom or Dad, in turn, will be navigators. When the preschooler approaches the obstacle, you need to take him away from him.
After that, you can change places so that the child also tries himself as a navigator.
2. Hold the ball
The game is suitable for children from 5 to 15 years old
This entertainment will be especially cool during a birthday or any other holiday. She is quite mobile and connected with balloons, and all children love them.
Conditions: Before a group of children, you need to set the task to move the ball from one point to another without touching it with your hands. It is desirable that point A and point B are at a decent, but not too great, distance. Such a mission will show which of the players is the smartest. It is curious to observe which method to achieve the goal will be chosen by each of the participants. Someone will blow on the ball, someone will begin to kick it to the finish line (nobody forbade touching it with their feet), and someone will complicate their task and try to carry the ball on their head by rubbing their hair against it.
For older participants, the task can be made more difficult by building a path or placing small obstacles that need to be avoided.
3. The most accurate
The game is suitable for children from 5 to 13 years old
All ball games are best played outdoors. Therefore, this entertainment will come in handy if you went out into the countryside with your family or threw a party outside the city. To keep the kids busy, tell them about this game.
Conditions: For the game you need a ball (you can replace it with foil balls) and a basket. A baby bucket or any other container with high edges will do. The essence of the game is simple - you need to throw the shell into the basket. You should start with a short distance and then gradually increase it. The winner is the player who has the most hits in a given period of time. In a minute, for example.
Do not forget about rewards in these games. It could be just a piece of candy or some kind of trinket. It is important for children to register their victory in this way.
4. Insidious ball
The game is suitable for children from 5 to 10 years old
Another ball game. But, unlike the previous one, it is not so dangerous for the surrounding objects.
Conditions: You need to play in pairs. Participants should lie on their stomachs opposite each other, and the ball should be placed between their tops. The goal is to get up while holding the ball with their heads. It is forbidden to help with your hands. There is another version of the devious ball, but it will require two shells - one for each of the pair. Players must get down on all fours and push the ball with their forehead or nose to the finish line at speed. Hands cannot be used here either.
5. Who is faster?
The game is suitable for children from 5 to 14 years old
If you want to focus on pronounced competitive entertainment, then the game "Who is faster?" - the standard of such fun. The relay is perfect for home gatherings.
Conditions: Children will need to go through a small obstacle course at speed. You can think of different tasks: from squatting around a chair to carrying a book on top of the head so that it does not fall while the child walks, for example, from one part of the room to another. In general, the only limitation is the imagination of the parents and the possibilities of the room.
The winner is the one who cope with all the tasks faster and better than anyone else.
6. Labyrinth
The game is suitable for children from 3 to 15 years old
Conditions: To arrange a real spy maze for young special agents, you will need colored ribbons, scotch tape and a narrow corridor. What to do, we think, is already clear. You need to fix the tapes so that it resembles an obstacle course made of laser beams. The task of the participants is to get through it so that more than one tape does not break.
If this entertainment is part of a children's holiday, then you can buy superhero costumes or masks for children in advance so that they get used to the role of Spider-Man or Captain America.
Contests and other sedentary games
Contests, quizzes and board games are salvation in cases when children urgently need to be occupied with something, and there is no place for active fun . They are also suitable for a combined entertainment program, because after jumping and catching up, some children want to relax, and there are preschoolers and younger students who, in principle, do not like all this running around, preferring measured and thoughtful games.
If in outdoor games it is possible not to bother much with preparation, then when organizing intellectual entertainment, parents will have to pant. Especially if these are not ready-made sets and board games. Getting a ball and buying balls is easier than coming up with a theme yourself, preparing cards with questions and tasks, or thinking about other content.
But on the other hand, during the preparation, moms and dads delve into the process as much as possible and are distracted from adult problems. So such a pastime is good for everyone at home. Not only for children.
1. Answer in a minute
The game is suitable for different ages, it all depends on the complexity of the selected questions.
Conditions: The organizer needs to prepare questions (the more the better). There are many mobile applications now that are specifically designed for such cases. It is not necessary to print it yourself and look for something similar in stores. Each player must answer questions within a minute. Whoever answers the most will take first place. The game sharply develops quick thinking and reaction speed.
2. Quiz
Suitable for all ages
Before your child invites guests to your home, invite him to come up with a competition for his peers. Usually young children readily respond to such an initiative.
Conditions: The organizer must select different questions, riddles or some musical excerpts, as in "Guess the melody", so that the participants, raising their hand, answer and score points. You can take sweet, fruity, or dance breaks between rounds. Such quizzes are also suitable for family meetings with relatives.
3. The Writer Game
This game will be loved by children who like to come up with all sorts of interesting plots - do not feed them with bread, let me tell a story. If this is about your child, then, most likely, his friends are the same lovers of creating fantastic worlds in fantasies and albums.
Condition: Have the children come up with a shared story. Everyone should supplement it with a new proposal and make some adjustments and plot twists. If the children are small, then it's okay if their fantasies contradict each other. The main thing is that they have fun.
Older children can be given a specific vector and voiced to which ending their heroes should come. Along the way, the facilitator can tweak the script to make it more flowery or addictive.