There are legends that Korean doctors can remake a face beyond recognition, and every second resident has at least two operations. Plastic surgeon Otari Gogiberidze sorted out the trends and realities of South Korean plastic surgery.

Korean plastic: a strange trend or the opportunity to get a "new face"

Market situation

Plastic surgery in South Korea, without exaggeration, is very well developed: hundreds of aesthetic surgery clinics, thousands of specialists, millions of clients... Locals improve their appearance year after year using hardware techniques, Botox and filler injections , and surgery.

These procedures are also in demand among foreigners: every year, patients from other countries spend about $ 200 millionto correct their appearance in South Korea. The market is saturated with both demand and supply, therefore it is actively growing, new clinics are constantly opening, and the plastic surgeon is one of the most prestigious professions . 

As always happens when there is a rush of demand, a huge number of low-quality offers appear on the market. Several major scandals erupted in recent years with renowned clinics.

It turned out that patients pay for the work of an experienced surgeon, but in fact they are operated by a novice specialist, and a senior specialist simply monitors the process. These circumstances were found out tragically, after the resonant deaths of patients from the consequences of plastic surgery.

So far, the country has poorly built legal relations between clinics and patients, so it is very difficult to achieve compensation and justice in negative cases. This is especially true for medical tourists - their rights are generally very doubtfully protected. But, despite all these difficulties, both Koreans and foreigners continue to register for the correction of the nose, lips, eyes, cheekbones, and so on in clinics in Seoul and other cities in South Korea. 

Society's attitude to plastic

The reason for the popularity of plastic surgery is very simple - this topic is not a stigma in Korean society. Peopletalk openly about any changesand easily share the contacts of specialists. Aesthetic surgery in Asia is generally perceived as a continuation of the traditional multi-stage self -care : operations are often given on the age of majority, both for girls and boys.

And in general, Korean men are much more likely to resort to plastic than Europeans. Both young and adult. 

Korean Surgery Trends

There are many before and after photos of amazing Korean reincarnations in the media. There is nothing magical here, just Asian surgeons often work not only with soft tissues, but alsowith changes in the bone structure of the face...

European specialists much less often have to resort to such techniques, and they are more likely to be under the jurisdiction of maxillofacial surgery, rather than plastic surgery. By working with the bone structure, you can achieve completely different contours and features of the appearance. This can be changes in the shape of the chin, "tightening" of the cheekbones and eyebrows, as well as various manipulations with the noses.

Korean surgeons are also good at less traumatic procedures, plastic is often carried out by the endoscopic method, with minimal incisions. This is a plus, as it allows for a fairly quick recovery after operations. 

The most popular surgery in Korea is rightfully considered blepharoplastyat... Korean women and Koreans get rid of the overhanging upper eyelid phenotype inherent in the Asian phenotype in order to open up their eyes. Moreover, Korean women often do this operation at a very young age, while Europeans use it after 40-45 to combat age-related changes.

Also popular rhinoplasty, also due to the peculiarities of the structure of the nose in the representatives of the Asian race. Most often, surgeons narrow and make the nasal bridge more pronounced, reduce the nostrils, and correct the tip. Quite in demand andmentoplasty: Correction of the chin area is done by Korean women much more often than their European “colleagues”.