In the postpartum period, a woman may be concerned about various problems. One of the most important is pelvic floor muscle dysfunction, which affects not only health but also the feeling of sexual attractiveness.
The period of waiting for the baby and the moment of his birth are the happiest events in a woman's life. By putting the baby to her breast, every mother forgets about the pain, suffering and discomfort associated with pregnancy and childbirth.
But for most women, this wonderful period may be associated with the onset of the development of such a problem as dysfunction of the pelvic floor muscles. It is a collective term for several ailments associated with the relaxation of the muscles and structures of the pelvic floor. The cause of their occurrence is injuries and ruptures, pressure of the uterus on the perineum and microtrauma at the time of fetal extraction, which cannot be avoided even with the most favorable childbirth.
Pelvic floor muscle dysfunction is characterized by the following symptoms:
- overstretching of muscles and ligaments;
- muscle tears and injuries;
- an increase in the volume of the vagina;
- trauma to the sphincter of the bladder and urinary incontinence;
- sexual dysfunction.
These problems cloud the joy of motherhood. Butvery often, young mothers do not seek help from specialists for many reasons: they think that this is how it should be, you need to be patient, and it will go away by itself, do not have proper information about the methods of rehabilitation in the postpartum period, are shy and ashamed to discuss such intimate problems.
And this is a big mistake, without the supervision of a specialist and without the necessary treatment, the problem will only get worse, which will not allow the girl to fully recover. Let's figure out how to solve these problems in the postpartum period .
Recovery of the body in the postpartum period
First of all, you need to know that the first 6 months after childbirth, certain physical activities are contraindicated: you can not swing the press, squat, lift weights and step. Weakened and overstretched muscles and ligaments cannot cope with such a load, and this can lead to a sharp progression of the prolapse of the pelvic organs.
Rehabilitation should be started as early as possible after childbirth, but it should be done correctly...
The motivation of a young mother is the main component of success. You need to understand that all efforts aimed at strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor are the key to health and a happy and fulfilling sex life. It's like in sports - persistence and regular training lead to victory.
Kegel exercises
Kegel exercises should be started immediately after childbirth . This is a very simple technique - tense and relax your pelvic floor muscles. They begin to do such exercises with muscle tension for 5 seconds, followed by slow relaxation 10 times 3 times a day. In the future, the number of approaches increases to 20, then to 30, and so on up to 100. At the same time, you cannot strain the muscles of the abdominal press and buttocks, you cannot hold your breath.In order to properly perform these exercises, it is important to understand which muscles you need to strain. The following technique will help in this: during urination, interrupt the process and remember which muscles you were straining.
A modern and effective method for preventing pelvic floor muscle dysfunction is the use of pessaries. Upon discharge from the hospital on the 3rd day, a ring pessary is inserted into the vagina (the ring is made of medical hypoallergenic silicone).It supports the stretched vaginal walls and prevents them from dropping when the woman is straining, for example, when she picks up the baby, lifts the stroller, etc., while not preventing the outflow of postpartum discharge (lochia). After 6-8 weeks, when the discharge is over, the ring pessary can be changed to a cubic one. This form is more convenient for young women. The pessary is worn up to 3 years.
Vaginal Trainers
In order for training to become more effective and more interesting, you need to use vaginal simulators. There are several types of them, for example:
- Simulators "EmbaGyn" and "Pelvifine" are electromyostimulants. They stimulate the pelvic floor muscles with weak electrical impulses, tone and strengthen them, and are effective in urinary incontinence. These machines are recommended for women with very weak pelvic floor muscles.
- The Magic Kegel Master, Magic Kegel Coach and Magic Kegel Rejuve simulators are interactive simulators that are controlled by a smartphone and have a game interface. The simulators are wireless (work through a bluetooth connection), vibration, equipped with pressure sensors, waterproof. Made of high quality hypoallergenic medical grade silicone, they are convenient and comfortable to use.
When using exercise machines, apply a water-based lubricant as a lubricant, followed by a cleaning spray.You can start training no earlier than 8 weeks after giving birth.
A doctor will help you choose the right simulator. He will assess the initial state of the intimate muscles and advise the right model.
The importance of doctor's assistance
Regular visits to the doctor and consultations during recovery are necessary, but finding a convenient time, especially in a pandemic , and in general, going to the hospital with a baby is not so easy. Telemedicine can help with this. This modern direction allows you to get advice from a qualified specialist without leaving their home. Of course, face-to-face visits to the clinic for examination cannot be avoided, but the transfer to online meetings dedicated to adjusting rehabilitation or decoding analyzes greatly simplifies life.