Hair lamination at home allows you to give it smoothness and mirror shine, while protecting it from aggressive environmental influences. We will tell you how to do it correctly.

Homemade hair lamination recipe: 7 best and proven options

If you have already learned how to make hair lamination at home, you know for sure that the most popular method is gelatinous. But this is not the only remedy you can apply to your hair to make it look prettier.The composition of the home laminating mask may vary., so that you have the opportunity to choose the mixture or the recipe that you personally like.

One thing will remain unchanged: the strands after the procedure will look noticeably better than before. If you repeat leaving from time to time, the curls will definitely thank you.

Main rules

Main rules

It is not difficult to make your own lamination at home: you need the hair with which we will work, simple ingredients and an average of 30 minutes of free time. The mask may work faster, but for a good result it is better to wait. 

Further actions will be as follows: 

  1. To make the composition work better, the scalp needs to be warmed up... Wrap damp hair with a warm towel and let it work for 5 minutes;
  2. The infusion itself (decoction, mask, composition - call it what you like) you need warm up in a water bath... And if you prefer modern technologies to complexities and a bath, you can use a microwave oven (only carefully so as not to overheat);
  3. Part your hair into your usual part, and then each half - for another parting. It is important that the strands are not very thick, then it will be easy to work with them;
  4. It is better to keep the lamination under the film, and wash off first with water - and only then with regular shampoo. Then you can blow dry your hair or let it dry naturally. 
  5. For those who love after shampooing use leave-in conditioner Let's just say: Apply if desired, but this is usually not required.


Lamination of hair at home with gelatin is most often advised on the net. Those who have tried the method say that it noticeably transforms the hair. There are others who claim that, at best, nothing happens to the hair after such a mask.

If you decide to test the gelatin method, it is important to do everything right:

  1. Take dry powder and combine it with water in a 1: 3 ratio. For medium-length hair, you get one spoonful of gelatin + three tablespoons of water. If the hair is long, the amount should be doubled. 
  2. Our hair is wet before the procedure. If you decide to wash your hair and not just wet it, lightly dry the strands with a towel. 
  3. Make sure the gelatin dissolves properly. Any lumps or irregularities in the composition increase the likelihood that you will have an unpleasant impression from the mask. (As with that mask where the yolk turns into scrambled eggs when washed off with hot water)
  4. Now apply the product to your hair and wait 20-30 minutes. Important: if you are a vegetarian or want to avoid animal products, you can use agar-agar, which is obtained from algae, instead of gelatin.
  5. Don't forget to wrap your head in plastic to enhance the effect. You can also warm it up with a hairdryer on top.

Coconut milk

Hair lamination without gelatin at home is also quite popular now. One of the most interesting recipes -based on coconut milk (half glass)... Milk needs exactly this because it is very fatty and in this case it replaces gelatin with its magical effect. 

You will also need: the juice of half a lemon, a tablespoon of olive oil (if it is not at hand, any vegetable oil will do), a spoonful of starch (creates a creamy consistency and "weighs down" the hair so that it straightens better). Mix all the ingredients, warm up the mixture (make sure it doesn't boil) - now apply to your head. 

Tip: do not try to distribute the product through your hair like a regular balm or with a comb. The composition will turn out to be quite thick and heterogeneous, so it is better to drive it into your hair, as it were. 

Despite the strange omelet-like appearance, such lamination is washed off quite easily... But to wash your hair from the oil, especially if your hair is thick, you will have to wash your hair 2-3 times. 

Another tip: if you use sulfate-free shampoo on a regular basis, in this case it is better to use a regular one. Sulfate-free shampoos, although less aggressive on the scalp, wash the hair worse.

Flax seeds

Lamination of hair at home with flax seeds will also give a good result. But if you are thinking of flaxseed oil, then no, we will use just a handful of seeds.They need to be filled with water to get mucus.... To do this, they need to be allowed to brew for 50-60 minutes (it is better to use hot water).

Fun fact: Some people believe that white flaxseed has the potential to help with hormonal baldness because it contains phytoestrogens, the plant analogs of the steroid hormones estrogen. Science does not confirm this fact. So if someone wants to solve the problem of baldness, it is worth going to a trichologist, and not to the store for seeds.

Let's go back to the recipe. In the resulting slippery liquid (half a glass) you need to addegg white, a teaspoon of lemon juiceand a couple of teaspoons of any vegetable oil. Whip the composition, apply to damp hair from the roots, wrap with foil, warm with a towel. Rinse off the product after 30 minutes. You may have to do this, as with other types of home lamination, several times. 

Other recipes

If none of the homemade hair lamination recipes suits you, there are other options:

  • Add to hair mask a tablespoon of burdock oil and a capsule of vitamins A and E(it must first be distributed). Soak for 10-15 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  • Combine gelatin with a tablespoon of henna or basma,add coffee or cherry juice if you are a brunette. Blondes should add lemon juice to any lamination. Redheads should add henna, carrot juice or, if you are not afraid of the smell, onion peels. 
  • To do lamination with kefir, mix it (4 tablespoons) with a tablespoon of castor oil, one egg and two tablespoons of mayonnaise. Withstand the mixture for the same 30 minutes.
  • For lamination with honeyyou need the following components: a teaspoon of honey, an egg, 5 capsules of vitamins A and E, a tablespoon of olive oil. It is better to keep it longer, about 40 minutes, and then rinse.

What are the disadvantages of home lamination

Unlike the salon, where the responsibility for the result is assigned to the master, here you are responsible for everything yourself. Done right, your hair will be smoother, softer and even thicker than before. They will also become less electrified, become more obedient (read: they will be more amenable to styling). And it is also a significant savings in the family budget. 

But if you're wrong, they can get glued together or start getting dirty faster... At best, nothing will happen at all - then you will simply feel sorry for the time spent. 

How long does the effect last

Those who do everything right will have the effect of the procedure can last up to three weeks... But this is provided that your hair is manageable and does not have features (curls, excessive stiffness). On oily curls, lamination can last for two weeks or less. And very oily hair may not respond at all to the procedure. 

In this sense, salon lamination is a good choice because it works with all hair types. The master will be able to choose the composition that suits you best. You can also considerprofessional compositions for laminationto use them at home. Then it is important to do everything according to the instructions, strictly observe the time, how long the composition is kept on the hair, and be sure to do a patch test (an allergy test on the bend of the elbow) before applying.

How to keep your hair smooth for longer

  1. It is better to comb the curls with a wooden comb or comb with natural bristles... If you need to detangle your hair, do it carefully, without sudden movements.
  2. Washing should also be gentle. Do not squeeze hair in the process, do not twist it, try to remove excess moisture with gentle squeezing movements.
  3. My head at least once every two days, and if it needs to be done every day, buy a sulfate-free shampoo.
  4. Laminated hair better protected from high temperatures... If possible, do not use an iron, hairdryer or styler. Master styling without appliances, now there are quite a few such options.