There is a lot of information about proper nutrition, products, ways to lose weight today. We decided to find out everything for sure - from a professional nutritionist.

10 questions for a nutritionist: how to lose weight by summer, is it possible to eat after six and not only about that

Nutritionist told us about diets, stereotypes in the field of proper nutrition, healthy and unhealthy foods. 

1. How to understand whether you need to lose weight at all?

To understand whether you need to lose weight, you should calculate your body mass index . Normally, this figure should be from 18.5 to 25. If you fit into these norms, then we can say that you are at the optimum weight.If you are not satisfied with some individual parts of the body (stomach, hips, arms), then you can focus on physical exercise and cosmetology.

2. Can I eat after 6pm?

I don't recommend eating after 6 to everyone. A special group is occupied by people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system, that is, when the diet is of a therapeutic nature. If we are talking about a healthy average person who wants to lose weight, then I would not recommend eating after 6.

I advise you to observe intermittent fasting , when an interval of 14-16 hours is observed between the last meal and the first. For example, if you had dinner at 18:00, then it is advisable to have breakfast at 9-10 am.

3. If you need to lose weight by the summer, how long before you need to start?

Losing weight is not a problem.Physiologically, when losing weight, a person leaves from 5% to 10% of body weight per month.If you need to drop a larger percentage, then you should start several months in advance. In two months, a person drops from 10% to 15%, in three - from 15%, sometimes it reaches 20% if a person had a large body weight, and he observes proper nutrition and includes physical activity.

4. What do nutritionists never eat?

I cannot answer for all nutritionists, but I can say what I don’t eat - these are sugar and products containing gluten, since gluten is a provocateur of inflammation, and excessive sugar significantly disrupts carbohydrate metabolism. It has a detrimental effect on organs and tissues.

5. Is intermittent fasting good for you?

Fasting is possible, but it must be approached wisely. First, it is necessary to prepare the body and understand whether it is capable of this. Because there may be deficiencies in the body, for example, iron deficiency - in this case, fasting is not recommended.

If the body is healthy, then first you need to enter correctly: a nutritional system is selected that puts a person into a state of "pre-fasting", and then fasting. I recommend fasting in the hospital under the supervision of doctors. A smooth exit is also needed. It is not recommended to go hungry for those with poor blood counts, pregnant and lactating women, children, and the elderly.

6. Is body positivity the right trend or harmful?

I would not call body positive a correct movement. Just because if a person is obese it is not normal. Certain processes in the body are disrupted: carbohydrate metabolism, fat, protein, that is, all organ systems experience tremendous stress due to the fact that the body is in abnormal weight. In addition, a large load is created on the cardiovascular system, the musculoskeletal system, there are great risks of problems from gynecology, there are also risks of developing oncological processes. Therefore, I cannot call the state of obesity the norm.

7. What can replace sugar in food?

Sugar in its pure form can be replaced with sweet fruits, I recommend berries even more - they have less sugar. You can calmly move from sweet fruits to berries in about a week. ANDon an ongoing basis, use the following berries: strawberries, raspberries, strawberries, blueberries.Now we have the opportunity to eat fresh berries all year round. Also, if there is no allergy, then nuts can be added to the berries as a snack - it will turn out to be very nutritious and absolutely sugar-free. If we are talking about drinks, then here I would advise you to endure and give up sugar in them. You can use coconut and almond milk if, again, there is no allergy.

8. Should you give up salt completely?

I do not recommend giving up salt completely. You can use 2 grams per day. If there are problems with the kidneys or the cardiovascular system, then a correction can be made towards reducing salt.

9. They say that breakfast should be the most hearty. But what if you don't feel like eating in the morning?

In the morning, I don't feel like eating, mainly if there was a late dinner. thereforefirst, you can try to move dinner to an earlier time and make it around 17-18 (maximum 19) in the evening. Then by 8-9-10 o'clock in the morning you will definitely get hungry and breakfast will be great.

10. Do I need to drink 2 liters of water a day?

The rate of water consumption is individual and amounts to 30 ml per 1 kg of body weight. That is, if a person weighs 50 kg, then he needs to drink 1.5 liters of water per day.