Overcoming children's fear of the dentist is not an easy task, including for parents who find themselves in a stalemate between their child's hysteria and the state of his health.

Without fear and tears: how to prepare your baby for the first visits to the dentist

For some reason, there is such a tendency that the most "terrible" of all doctors is the dentist. Even adults have fear of this doctor, but of course it appears in childhood. And, getting older, the child no longer remembers why he is so anxious in front of that very office. 

Overcoming your fear is not the easiest thing, including for parents who find themselves in a stalemate between the hysteria of their child and the state of his health. And in order to avoid such situations, you need to prepare for the child's first visit to the doctor. 

What parents can do

A visit to the dentist is a very important step for a child, and in order for everything to be in order, he should have good memories. And this is a mutual task for both the doctor and the parents. They have a great responsibility - to instill a calm attitude of the child towards this doctor.

To prepare the baby for the first visits to the dentist, parents need to:

  • explain to the child in simple positive terms what a dentist is;
  • playing dentist at home in order to give the child a feel for what the doctor will do;
  • describe the dental instruments and how they help the doctor;
  • explain what an X-ray is and how it “takes pictures” of teeth;
  • you can watch a cartoon about teeth and their care together;

And most importantly, never bribe a child to visit the dentist or use him as a punishment.

Parental support is very important, especially at first appointments. The child should know that he will not be left alone with the doctor, so he will feel protected. It is worthwhile to say that you are going to visit dentistry in advance, while it is better to verbally beat the wording “we are going to the doctor” in a more neutral way, for example, “to visit the doctor”.

In addition, in no case, parents should not broadcast their negative experience, so as not to create unnecessary cause for concern. Even the phrases “it won’t hurt”, “you won’t feel anything”, “I won’t hurt you,” are perceived negatively, the patient will wait for these very sensations.

At what age is it recommended to visit the dentist

For the first time, you should bring your child to the dentist at the age of 9 months, by this time, the upper and lower incisors have already appeared, and you need to learn to look after them. Children are wary of everything new, so the appointment should be limited to an acquaintance with the clinic and a doctor, as well as an examination of the oral cavity. This is necessary so as not to scare the baby and give him the opportunity to get used to and get comfortable.

From a medical point of view, the main goal is to check the condition of the oral cavity and gums, occlusion, tooth development, and to choose a specific care. The next time you go to the doctor is 12 months.If everything went well the first time, then the child will already be disposed to see the doctor, will not be afraid and will be able to afford more. This is an excellent opportunity for professional oral hygiene, especially since the number of teeth can already reach 8. This full-fledged procedure will take more time and will require perseverance from a small patient. 

Hygiene does not cause any unpleasant sensations, and most importantly, it proves once again that the doctor will not hurt. This will also be beneficial in the future. Thus, the dentist acts as proactively as possible.

In many children's dentistry, televisions are installed in the office, and the child watches cartoons during the appointment. This simple trick helps to relax and distract the young patient.

Further preventive examinations are best planned every six months. 

The very same dental treatment, if medical indications allow, can be carried out already on the third visit, starting with a simpler tooth. So, the time spent by the child in the clinic will increase and the treatment will be of high quality and painless, and, importantly, without disturbing the psychological comfort of the little patient.

Why regular visits from an early age are beneficial 

The correct formation of teeth and jaw system is an important part of the full development of a child. This is the reason for the need for regular visits to the dentist.

First visits are important for:

  • observation of teething teeth;
  • examination and early diagnosis of anomalies in the pathology of the dentition;
  • recommendations on the rules for brushing your teeth;
  • individual selection of oral hygiene products;
  • removal of dental plaque and plaque (if necessary).

These simple rules will help you avoid tears and tantrums when visiting a doctor and save your child from psychological trauma. Correct adaptation to a trip to dentistry has another, no less significant goal - instilling a culture of caring for your own teeth. 

When the child understands why you need to brush your teeth and how to do it correctly. Knows that visiting a doctor is not a punishment for overeating sweets, but a completely fearless and important procedure for his own health, he will take this with full responsibility. All that scares little patients is ignorance, and when everything is known, then there is nothing to be afraid of.