Marigold flowers (they are also calendula) outwardly know, if not all, then many. But some probably don't know about their wide benefits not only for health, but also for beauty. Let's talk about what calendula tincture helps from.

What is calendula tincture used for: 14 beneficial properties of a flower

This flower was used in ancient Rome, both internally for the treatment of diseases, and externally, for healing wounds. In India, the plant is called sacred, the flower of Krishna, and is also widely used. In China, it is generally believed that its use contributes to longevity. All this is about calendula. In our country, they also know about its medicinal properties and are actively using it - we tell you exactly how.


The plant contains a really large amount of nutrients. Among them:

  1. vitamin C (enhances immunity, general body tone);
  2. flavonoids, quercetins (natural antioxidants);
  3. carotenoids (carotene, lycopene, flavochrome and others - they are responsible for the beauty of the skin, rejuvenate it, nourish, tone, relieve acne);
  4. essential oils (increase the overall tone, improve the appearance of the skin);
  5. coumarin (has anti-inflammatory and antifungal effects);
  6. saponins (have a lifting effect);
  7. sterols (involved in the construction of cells);
  8. tannins (have an anti-inflammatory effect);
  9. inulin (improves bowel function);
  10. oleanolic acid (is a natural antiseptic, normalizes metabolism);
  11. malic, salicylic acid (penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, healing it);
  12. phytosterol (necessary for building cells, improving collagen production );
  13. alkaloids (normalize vital body functions);
  14. lupeol (makes the skin softer, accelerates the production of collagen).

The benefits of the plant

  1. It has anti-inflammatory, anti-healing effects.
  2. Increases immunity;
  3. Promotes the restoration of mucous membranes (nose, mouth, intestines);
  4. Has a choleretic effect;
  5. Has a sedative effect;
  6. Normalizes heart function, lowers blood pressure ;
  7. Pain relieves, relieves spasms;
  8. Reduces the risk of cancer;
  9. Relieves puffiness;
  10. Improves the appearance of the skin, nourishes, tones, makes it more elastic;
  11. Heals wounds;
  12. Helps get rid of acne, pigmentation;
  13. Mattifies, controls the production of sebum;
  14. Soothes irritated skin.


The plant cannot be used for:

  1. individual intolerance;
  2. acute gastritis ;
  3. ulcers of the stomach and duodenum;
  4. violations of the gallbladder;
  5. cholecystitis;
  6. open wounds and fresh scratches;
  7. pregnancy (and during feeding);
  8. under the age of 18.

Use with caution is possible when:

  1. liver disease;
  2. brain diseases;
  3. traumatic brain injury;
  4. thin, sensitive skin.

In case of overdose or intolerance , side effects are possible:

  1. itching, redness of the skin;
  2. nausea;
  3. heartburn;
  4. stomach ache;
  5. bitterness in the mouth.

In this case, it is better to stop taking it immediately. And generally speakingbefore using the product, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

How to collect and store

Marigolds bloom from June until frost - during this period they need to be harvested . All the benefits are concentrated in the flowers, so it is necessary to collect inflorescences, and only those that have blossomed.

You need to dry without hitting the flowers of direct sunlight, spreading thinly, stirring occasionally.

If the flower breaks apart when pressed, then it is properly dried and ready to use.

It is necessary to store marigolds in a cool dark place, in a cloth bag or sealed container.

The raw material is considered ready if the flower disintegrates when pressed. Calendula flowers retain all their benefits for up to a year if kept in a dark, dry place.

How to prepare the tincture yourself

It is easy to prepare this remedy at home.

You must mix 30 g of fresh flowers and 150 ml of alcohol. Close and put in a dark place for 2 weeks. After - strain.

Store the resulting product in a cool place.

It is necessary to dilute the calendula tincture for gargling with water.

To do this, dilute half a teaspoon with a glass of boiled water and let it brew. Can be held in a water bath. Then you need to strain.

You can drink fresh infusion for no more than 2 days, then be sure to make a new one.

How to take calendula tincture inside

The tool (mixed independently or bought in a pharmacy as a finished product) is used very widely. Dosages for a particular problem can be found, but it is better if a doctor prescribes it, since each case is individual.

Approximate dosages and methods of application

  1. Tincture of calendula for gargling is drunk 20 g several times a day.
  2. For heartburn  - add to tea and drink regularly.
  3. In case of liver dysfunction  - 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day.
  4. For hypertension  - 20 drops divided several times a day.
  5. For eye problems  - lubricate the affected area or apply compresses.
  6. For gynecological problems (thrush, erosion, delayed menstruation), regular douching is recommended.
  7. To get rid of proctitis and paraproctitis, the tincture is added to enemas.
  8. For insomnia  - 1 tbsp. a spoonful of infusion before bedtime.

Inhalation with calendula tincture

Marigolds are very effective for sore throat, respiratory diseases and a stuffy nose . The infusion can not only be taken orally, but also inhaled with it.This option is more suitable for children, since in this case the components are not absorbed into the bloodstream, which reduces the risk of side effects and allergies. The agent acts directly on the affected area.

However, the method is still contraindicated in children under 5 years of age.

The solution for inhalation can be:
  1. alcohol (no more than 15 - 20 drops, necessarily diluted with 100 ml of water);
  2. water.

The temperature of the tincture for inhalation should be no more than 33 - 38 degrees, for children under 7 years old it should be even lower.

The duration of the procedure and the dosage of the drug depends on the disease and the age of the person undergoing treatment. A consultation with a doctor is imperative.

External use

Tincture of calendula for the face has no less benefit than for the internal organs. It is actively used in cosmetology, leading cosmetic brands add flowers to their products - calendula enhances the beneficial properties of other ingredients in cosmetics. But you can just use the pure infusion. It is recommended to wipe your face with tincture (preferably without alcohol if your skin is sensitive), make masks.

Pros of marigolds for beauty
  1. Tincture of calendula helps to get rid of acne and any skin inflammations, age spots .
  2. It nourishes the skin, tones, strengthens it.
  3. It has a rejuvenating effect, eliminating wrinkles.
  4. Calendula tincture for hair also plays an important role in strengthening hair and stimulating hair growth.
  5. Flowers can be added to drinks to enhance the drainage effect, lose weight, cleanse the body of toxins, and accelerate metabolism.

Properties for different skin types

  1. For oily  - for this type of calendula is ideal. It relieves inflammation, mattifies, tightens pores , relieves acne (and traces of them), has an antibacterial effect. For oily skin, it is better to use a water-based infusion, alcohol can dry it out and cause excessive sebum production.
  2. For dry  - in this case, it is better to add the plant to oil formulations so that it does not dry it out. The tool will help soothe even the most sensitive skin and relieve irritation.
  3. For normal  - alcohol tincture is suitable. It normalizes the metabolism in skin cells, increases its protective functions, tones up.