Skin diseases are often a signal that we are not happy with everything in ourselves and in the world around us. And not only about that. Consider the psychosomatics of psoriasis, causes and treatment in adults and children.

Psychosomatics of psoriasis: causes of the disease and treatment in adults and children

Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease (not contagious, although many believe otherwise). Its essence is that skin cells begin to divide too quickly, because of this, scaly plaques or bubbles with liquid form on the arms, legs, back, scalp, accompanied by severe peeling, burning, itching. itthe disease is considered difficult to treat, primarily because it is difficult to find out the real reasons for its occurrence. Among them, reduced immunity, hormonal disruption in the body, allergic reactions. It is also often associated with psychosomatics .

Skin, from a metaphysical point of view, reflects a person's ability to value himself in front of the world around him. The skin says that he, first of all, thinks about himself. And if problems begin with her, you should look for them in our head.

It is quite easy to understand whether the disease is really psychosomatic. First, its symptoms often appear during a stressful period, during negative emotions. They leave without them, and then suddenly return. Secondly, very often, when diagnosing, the doctor cannot establish the exact cause of the pathology.

We will analyze the psychosomatics of psoriasis, the causes and treatment of folk remedies and medical methods.

1. Causes in adults

Prolonged stress

Studies have shown that about 60% of those suffering from psoriasis are in a state of stress , emotional stress. At the same time, it is exacerbated in moments of experience, anxiety, and when calmed down, unpleasant symptoms subside. Patients who know about such a connection, but cannot overcome it in any way, over time begin to blame themselves for each manifestation of the disease, which only aggravates the stress.

2. Depression

It can be caused by various circumstances (from family conflicts or problems at work, to lack of sleep, fatigue, dissatisfaction with oneself). To get away from problems, a person often withdraws into himself, sometimes begins to abuse alcohol, which worsens the course of the disease.

3. Self-doubt

Skin problems often occur in those who value themselves low. You can literally describe your inner attitude by looking at your skin: it has become rough, ugly, which means that you think that you are. Moreover, illness only worsens self-esteem, causing embarrassment, a desire to hide skin problems from others. The result is a vicious circle.

4. Increased anxiety

Negative thoughts, fears, and unnecessary anxiety are all common causes of psoriasis. A person isolates himself from society, avoids contacts, is ashamed of himself, believes that he cannot cope with anything on his own.

5. Unspoken emotions

We often accumulate grievances, irritability in ourselves, not being able or afraid to express them, not knowing how to do it properly. All this negativity seems to eat away at us from the inside, gradually spoiling our health. After allany strong emotion is not just a signal to the brain, but also physical symptoms(increased heart rate, increased pressure, muscle tension). Spinning inside, they are constantly repeated and only become more harmful.

6. Self-Interest

This concept is conditional. As a rule, such benefits are subconscious and not realized. The disease itself signals a person and others about his desires. Skin diseases can be a response to the idea that a person wants to distance himself from everyone, feels negative in relation to others.

What can trigger the onset of the disease

What can trigger the onset of the disease

  1. hidden, accumulated grievances , fears, experiences;
  2. family conflicts;
  3. problems at work;
  4. psychological trauma;
  5. death of a loved one, an accident.

The stronger the inner conflict of a person, the more acute the disease will begin and the more difficult it will be.

Who is at risk

  1. Touchy;
  2. secretive;
  3. passive people;
  4. too anxious;
  5. unsure of themselves, always considering themselves to be guilty;
  6. depending on someone else's opinion;
  7. lacking attention;
  8. those who try to shift responsibility to others;
  9. workaholics (not getting job satisfaction).

Psychosomatics of psoriasis in a child: causes

Psychosomatically, psoriasis can be inherited, according to psychologist Louise Hay. Children literally inherit negative attitudes from their parents .If parents do not know how to resolve their internal conflicts, suffer from stress, insecurity, aggression of the surrounding world, then they can hardly teach a child this., therefore, the disease is likely to pass to him from the same emotions.

Other childhood reasons include:

  1. overprotective;
  2. too close psychological contact (the skin literally signals that the child no longer wants to be approached);
  3. coldness and aloofness of parents (the head, face, hands often suffer from fears and anxiety).

1. Illness in different parts of the body

The localization of the disease also depends on various emotions.

Psychosomatics of psoriasis on the hands
The reason is irritation at the people around them , who, in the patient's opinion, do not do the right thing, do not listen to him, go against his wishes.

2. Psychosomatics of psoriasis on the elbows

Closure from the world, dissatisfaction with it. He can also be caused by latent strong dissatisfaction with himself.

3. Psychosomatics of psoriasis on the legs

Irritation from the discrepancy between the applied effort and the final result. The person believes that they deserve more than they receive.

4. Psychosomatics of psoriasis on the back

The patient solved problems for others, but remained, in his opinion, underestimated.

5. Psychosomatics of psoriasis on the head

Problems here are often a symptom of rejection of the authority of others, non-recognition of personal abilities, both internal and any skills.


Complexity is very important in the treatment of psychosomatic disorders. They cannot be cured with medications alone (although one cannot do without them either, medicinal ointments are especially needed to eliminate discomfort on the skin). Symptoms may go away, but will come back quickly or develop into a chronic illness.

For each patient, the study of psycho-traumatic factors is necessary. This requires the consultation of a psychotherapist.

It is important to try to reduce stress, anxiety , increase self-esteem, learn to control your emotions - there are many effective methods for this. It is often helpful to change the environment (since psoriasis often flares up seasonally, climate change can have a positive effect).

The psychotherapist may prescribe a course of sedatives.

Folk remedies

1. Celandine

It can be taken internally as an infusion (pour a glass of boiling water over 1 teaspoon of herbs, leave for half an hour, drink before meals), or wipe the skin with a decoction.

2. Bay leaves

Brew 8 leaves with 2 cups of boiling water, let it brew for 10 minutes, strain. Drink half a glass 2 times a day. Course - a week.

3. Berry herbal tea

It has a soothing effect m , which is very important to eliminate internal psychological problems. Chop and mix 6 tbsp. spoons of strawberry leaves, 5 tbsp. spoons of currant leaves, 4 tbsp. spoons of burdock and nettle, 3 tbsp. spoons of violets and yarrow. 1 tbsp. Brew a spoonful of the mixture with a glass of boiling water. Drink 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day.