We have collected the qualities of a man that are actually important for a relationship, and we have also anticipated all your questions, why such are necessary.

7 qualities of a man that are important for a happy relationship

When we think about what qualities of a man are important for family relationships, we often fantasize. We come up with a certain ideal image that does not even exist. We compare this collective image with real men , which, as a rule, is not in favor of the latter. We hope, wait, and then we get married because "it's time" and "must". Who needs? What for? Together with a psychologist, we identified useful qualities that are truly necessary for family life. So:

1. Reciprocity

"I will marry, I will achieve him, I will conquer, and then he will love me." Will not love. Don't waste your efforts. If it is difficult for you at the initial stages with him, and he ignores your feelings, then in family life it will be even worse.Reciprocity is needed for a person to feel and understand you, at least to try to do it.

2. Honesty

"There are no absolutely honest people." Sometimes they don’t lie and don’t change. It hates them. There is also a downside to the coin - they will honestly tell you whether you are thin or fat, and whether the dress suits you. They will honestly say that you spoil children. And this is not always pleasant. But over time, you can teach a man to delicately express his honesty.

3. Kindness

"I don't need a mumbler and henpecked!" Fortunately, there are more good men, we just choose bad boys all the time , and then we ourselves suffer. A kind man will be attentive to the child, he will not hold you, if you are not in the spirit, he will help you. There is a minus of kindness - they are not able to participate in large and cruel business. As a rule, these are specialists of a high category, but they become oligarchs, with the correct support of the family and wife.

4. A responsibility

"There is no such". There is. And they show this quality in the first stages of acquaintance . Said "I 'll see you Friday " , on Thursday night he confirmed the meeting.Home, children, everyday life - all this will be under his responsibility, and he will delve into all the necessary family matters.

5. Charisma

"Like this?" This is inner beauty, we often rely on external qualities and emptiness inside. And it is also masculinity and protection, strong internal energy, vital activity, including sexual, where there are not words, but deeds, actions and decisions.

6. Sense of humor

"Why do I need a joker?" But in vain. A spicy and genuinely funny sense of humor is an indicator of high intelligence, andemotional intelligence is also actively involved in humor, which means that a person clearly feels the situation and predicts the reaction of his partner.And a sense of humor smoothes out all the rough edges, even in family misunderstandings.

7. Passion

"What is this for?" A man should be interested in something: hobbies, sports, fishing, hunting, psychology, books - what gives him pleasure. It's good if your hobbies are the same. If not, it's okay, the man needs a change of scenery. And sometimes you should take a break from your beautiful and beloved husband.

In this way, this type of man is quite common. And it occurs quite often. It is a pity that women rarely choose such men.When in practice you ask a question about male qualities, they call generosity - just keep in mind that he will be generous not only with you, but with everyone around him. Or sexuality is wonderful, only you will not be enough for him so active, and soon he will get bored with monotony. Strong to be stronger morally - remember that then the man will be in charge, and you will be forced to accept his opinion in everything. The best option is equality. But such a quality as mutual understanding is generally an unknown and incomprehensible quality. If there is reciprocity, he will understand you even where he does not understand anything at all . Think and look for good men, leave strong, beautiful and tall ones overboard. And you will live happily and happily.