2020 has brought many changes to our lives, including in our eating habits and lifestyle. These changes are already driving new trends that we are very likely to follow in 2021.

Top 8 PP trends we will follow in 2021

The outgoing year 2020 has become very difficult and in many ways a turning point. We stayed at home for a long time, and those who did not change their eating habits faced difficulties (and unpleasant numbers on the scales). Now, towards the end of the year , those habits that have just begun to change will develop into new principles of a correct lifestyle.

Here are 8 top nutritional trends that everyone will follow in 2021.

1: Functional nutrition (for stress and for immunity)

Due to the significant impact of the coronavirus on the physical and mental well-being of many people, interest in the use of products that serve not only as fuel, but also help physical and mental health has sharply increased.

Now it is important to pay attention to what ingredients the product includes and how it affects the improvement of the general condition.

The virus has become a reminder that health is highly variable. Many began to look for products that could improve the state of the immune system. According to research, 50% of people plan to take nutritional supplements and vitamins to support their immune system.

Interest in immunity will remain in the spotlight in 2021. But rather than focusing on treating diseases, many will seek to prevent them by strengthening the immune system.

In response, the food industry will create products with additional nutrients such as zinc, selenium, vitamins C and D. Natural immunomodulators will also become popular : echinacea, elderberry, turmeric, ginger. However, more important will still be the means, the effectiveness of which is supported by scientific data.

Mental health will also be a priority. Diets high in popularity are rich in antioxidants, vitamins (such as B), minerals (zinc, magnesium), fiber, healthy fats (omega-3), which affect mental well-being. There will be increased interest in foods that reduce stress and improve sleep (for example, containing adaptogens - substances that reduce stress).

2: Local food

More and more buyers support local companies with their history. They became especially popular during closed borders, but not only because there were difficulties with delivery from other countries, just small companies try to pay attention to the quality of their products, use more useful processing methods, well, and of course, the less time passes from collection before delivery of the product to the counter, the fresher and healthier it is.

Farmers' markets and family businesses will continue to gain popularity.

3: Diet for the environment

Diets will change too. Instead of a huge variety of diets, more sustainable eating habits will emerge.

Instead of going to extremes (vegans versus meat eaters), many people focus on other issues - how to eat so that they have less of an impact on the climate. So, in order to reduce the carbon dioxide emissions caused by the delivery of products over long distances, they will choose local products. Animal products may also have less environmental impact - choosing chicken over beef is better, or eating more plant-based foods altogether.

The goal of the climate diet is not all-or-nothing, but small changes that, in general, will bring positive changes.

4: Flexitarianism

Trying to convince a meat eater to go vegan is a great feat. It is much easier to offer him a middle ground. Flexitarianism is a diet that includes the consumption of plant foods, but with the admission of foods of animal origin. At first, it is enough to change a few animal products to vegetable ones, and then, if there is interest, to reduce their share in the diet even more.

5: Diet culture change

People are tired of expensive diets and dodgy supplements that promise results but don't. All of this will go out of style next year, giving way to a more balanced approach to nutrition.

Today, the Internet is overrun with nutritionists , diets, superfoods - and this is only making many principles obsolete faster. Instead of weird foods and supplements, the focus is now on whole, natural foods.

Most people have started to stick to a food style in which all foods are present in moderation, because few people want to avoid what they like for the rest of their lives, and even blame themselves for the breakdowns. In addition, today more attention is paid to health, rather than numbers and sizes.

6: Ready-made food sets

This year has taught many that cooking at home can be fun. But life will start to speed up again, which means there will be little time left for cooking. In this regard, the popularity of delivering food kits or food to your home will grow in popularity.

Food delivery services have already become almost the first necessity, and it is unlikely that many will refuse them. And the food sets and the recipes attached to them are very convenient for a busy person, it helps to cook homemade food, eat varied and interesting.

7: Transparency of ingredients

In the past, manufacturers were quite secretive about specifying ingredients in products. But because consumers are more interested in product quality and pay more attention to the ingredient list , they want more honesty and transparency, or they simply won't buy a particular product.

Companies are expected to provide shorter, more understandable ingredient lists in the near future. avoiding controversial ones such as artificial colors, flavors, etc.

8: More attention to baby food

Since so many children have switched to virtual education this year, parents have begun to cook for them more often (there is no school cafeteria at home).

Therefore, now parents have begun to approach the choice of products even more responsibly - so that they are not only tasty for children, but also nutritious and, of course, natural. Manufacturers can pick up the trend by releasing more products specifically for baby food that meet the new requirements.