Trying to please her homemade delicacies and gourmet dishes, the hostess often has to use a frying pan. But it is not always possible to keep it perfectly clean, so carbon deposits often appear on it. The plaque that appears is the result of thermal effects on fats and oils used to prepare a variety of dishes.

How easy is it to clean old carbon deposits from a frying pan?

Sometimes food leftovers burn so strongly to the bottom and walls of the dishes that the first time they cannot be thoroughly wiped off. Over time, the plaque hardens and with the next use of the pan turns into carbon deposits, which become more difficult to remove each time. Therefore, in order to return the pan to its former beauty and shine, housewives are trying to find ways to cope with this problem.

However, since pans have different coatings, the correct methods should be used to clean them.

Store-bought products for removing deposits from the pan

The choice of means for removing carbon deposits and old fat is quite wide today. Many housewives use them and have never been disappointed. They are not only very effective, but also take a minimum of time to remove plaque. If we talk about the disadvantages of household chemicals, then they have them, and serious. In the process of use, they release toxic compounds that are unsafe for health. But this can be avoided if you follow the safety rules. Before cleaning the dishes, you must wear rubber gloves, the windows in the room during this operation must be well open.

Store-bought products for removing deposits from the pan

During the time that housewives use household chemicals to remove carbon deposits, they were able to find out which of them are best suited for their task. Good marks were given to the products for cleaning frying pans Amway, "Shumanit" from the manufacturer Bugs, and products from Mr. Muscle. Any of the above products can provide the desired effect if you follow the instructions on the package exactly. The products work according to the same principle: you need to apply the solution to the pan, let it brew for several hours, and then remove it with a regular sponge.

How to clean a cast-iron pan from perennial carbon deposits?

It is no coincidence that cast iron pans have been actively used by many housewives for several decades . They not only allow you to prepare delicious meals, but are also easy to clean. But the main reason for their popularity is due to their extraordinary strength: no matter how aggressively these pans are subjected, this does not affect their condition in any way. To remove carbon deposits from a cast iron frying pan, you can use folk remedies that have long proven themselves.

The most well-known methods are associated with the provision of temperature, mechanical or chemical influences on the material structure. The best methods for removing carbon deposits have been shown below. You can use them at home and, without much effort, return the pan to its original cleanliness.

How to wash a frying pan from carbon deposits: effective ways

Blow torch cleaning

What distinguishes this method from most others is its absolute safety. If there is no blowtorch in your household, you can make a fire in the yard. The essence of this method is to burn off the carbon deposits from the pan with fire. It follows from this that you first need to turn the pan upside down, and then heat it strongly with a blowtorch.

After the dishes have warmed up well , which can be understood by their appearance - the plaque will fade before our eyes, the pan must be dipped in a bowl of cold water, and then it remains only to rub it lightly with an ordinary metal washcloth. According to numerous reviews, this method of cleaning a frying pan from carbon deposits requires no more than half an hour for your kitchen assistant to sparkle with frequency.

How to remove old carbon deposits inside and outside with sand?

This method of dealing with carbon deposits is a little similar to the one described above, but it also has its own characteristics. It is necessary to put a medium-intensity fire on the stove and put a cast-iron pan on it. Next, the dishes need to be cooked for several hours so that they can cook well. Sometimes you cannot achieve the desired result the first time, so be prepared for the fact that you will have to perform this procedure several times, and it is imperative that you let it cool down after each heating of the pan.

How to remove old carbon deposits inside and outside with sand?

After the first frying cycle, sand is poured into the pan in a layer large enough to completely fill the entire container. Next, the pan is placed on the stove, but this time it is kept for about 2 hours.

According to reviews, this method works very effectively . The only drawback is that you have to wait a very long time for the carbon deposits to come off.

How to remove old soot with vinegar at home?

The main effect of using this product is due to its high level of acidity, which allows you to destroy fat, which is the basis of any soot. If it so happened that you didn't have vinegar on the farm, then you can use ordinary citric acid instead, but first dilute it with water.

The very process of removing carbon deposits from the pan is as follows:

How to remove old soot with vinegar at home?

  • You need to pour enough vinegar or acid into the dishes so that it fills the entire volume.
  • Then the frying pan is placed in the oven and heated for several hours.
  • Boiling the vinegar for many hours is enough for the carbon to fall off the walls, after which you can easily return the pan to its original appearance.

Alternative ways

An effective folk remedy - activated carbon

If for some reason you do not like the above methods of removing carbon deposits from the pan, then you will surely like this method, which is not only very simple, but also effective. You don't even have to work hard to remove plaque. To achieve the desired result, you will need at least 10 tablets of the described medication, which must be crushed into powder, and then rinsed with water and let the pan drain.

An effective folk remedy - activated carbon

We pay special attention to the fact that the pan should remain damp, but there should be no water as such. Next, powder from tablets is poured into it and left for one hour to take effect. After the specified time, you will only have to wipe the surfaces with a sponge and any cleaning agent you have.

How to clean a frying pan with a metal sponge?

A metal scrubber is a very effective tool for cleaning a frying pan from carbon deposits, since its structure is formed by solid spirals connected into a single shape. Even at the first acquaintance with a metal sponge, it is not difficult to guess how to use this device. However, you should take into account that you need to wash the dishes very carefully, otherwise you may damage the surface of the dishes.

To make it easier for you to wash off carbon deposits from the surface of the pan, it is recommended to first heat it up, and only then start cleaning. Keep in mind that this method can only be used for cast iron products that can easily withstand such an aggressive effect.

How to boil a burnt frying pan with soap?

First of all, you need to prepare laundry soap , which you need to grind into shavings on a fine grater. Next, it must be placed in a pan, filled with water, put on the stove and brought to a boil.

Usually, the desired result can be achieved by boiling the pan in the solution for several hours.

How to boil off carbon deposits with salt, soda and vinegar?

Every housewife can use this method of dealing with carbon deposits , since it is quite simple and does not require much effort or the use of special equipment. To remove carbon deposits, you need the most readily available ingredients found in every kitchen. Famous products such as baking soda and apple cider vinegar provide a cleansing effect.

The essence of this technique is as follows:

  • Put the frying pan on the stove, turn on medium heat, and then pour two tablespoons of salt into it, pour vinegar in such an amount that it completely covers the bottom.
  • It is not recommended to set a strong fire, as it is important that the liquid boils as long as possible. At the time of boiling, add 50 grams of baking soda to the above ingredients and wait a little more until the contents of the pan are reduced by about 2 times.
  • Next, after the operation, the pan is washed under tap water and rubbed with a scraper or a sponge for washing dishes.

How do I clean a non-stick pan?

As a rule, removing old carbon deposits from a Teflon or ceramic pan is not a big problem for housewives. This is explained quite simply - fat does not eat into the surface of these materials, which is due to the action of the coating, which protects against food burning. Therefore, after prolonged use in the pan, only a barely noticeable plaque may form, which is quite easy to remove.

  • To do this, you need to place the pan in hot water and support it in it until the fat starts to come off the sides and bottom.
  • Next, we take a regular sponge and three frying pan. Usually, after the first procedure, the plaque disappears completely.

But keep in mind that coarse washcloths must not be used to remove plaque from ceramic or Teflon coated dishes . Do not use household chemicals containing abrasive components. You should also know that you need to be very careful when using ceramic pans: in addition to following the above recommendations, you should protect surfaces from sudden changes in temperature. Therefore, they can be washed exclusively in warm water.

How to remove burnt food from an aluminum pan?

Very often, when a hostess develops a strong carbon deposit in an aluminum pan or other soft metal, after the first attempt to remove it, she loses hope that it will be possible to restore her original shine. The dishes acquire such an unpleasant appearance due to the high sensitivity of the material to various influences.

Aggressive mechanical cleaning is especially dangerous for it . You also need to be careful when using household chemicals that contain highly alkaline or acidic components. It is recommended to clean such pans with special agents designed to care for dishes with such a coating. According to some housewives, regular baking soda can perfectly remove carbon deposits from an aluminum pan.


The problem of soot formation in a frying pan is familiar to every housewife, but not everyone knows how to quickly and easily get rid of it. Usually, after having tried several store-bought soot removers, the hostesses give up and lose faith in the fact that it is still possible to return the pan to its former cleanliness.

However, there are quite effective and easy-to-use methods with which you can even remove old carbon deposits from the pan at home. Naturally, it is difficult to recommend a universal method that can clean the pan after the first use, since there are different cases. But do not despair if one of the methods did not live up to expectations. After all, if the pan has not been cleaned for several years, then you will probably have to process its walls and bottom more than once in order to remove unpleasant plaque.