7 myths about dry eye syndrome

 Today this pathology has become very common (and all because of computers and gadgets), but has acquired a mass of erroneous stereotypes and myths. Together with the ophthalmologist, we reveal everything.

Do you feel dry and burning eyes ? Do you want to blink or squint all the time? Or maybe, on the contrary, you are producing too many tears? Chances are you have dry eye syndrome. Scientifically, you have xerophthalmia, a malfunction of the lacrimal glands is an insufficient production of tear fluid, as a result of which you feel discomfort: pain and burning sensation, a feeling of a foreign body or sand in the eyes, redness of the eyes and photophobia are not excluded.

Causes of dry eye syndrome

Among the main ones are spending a long time at the computer, the craze for gadgets. Initially, human vision is programmed to look at objects in the distance, but modern realities are making their own adjustments. We constantly look at the monitor and blink much less often than physiology requires. All this negatively affects the condition of the eyes, interferes with their natural hydration. Meanwhile, a person should blink an average of 13 times a minute, and he should do this involuntarily.

Dry eye myths

1. It does not affect visual acuity

Affects. Lack of moisture leads to blurred perception of the picture. When blinking, the tear film is restored, and vision returns to normal. Tears create a smooth, moist layer on the cornea.

2. Increased tearing indicates the absence of dry eye syndrome

On the contrary, the increased work of the lacrimal glands is the body's response to insufficient eye moisture. And in this case, treatment is also necessary.

3. Dry eye syndrome is an independent disease.

No. Xerophthalmia can be a consequence of serious diseases, which include diabetes mellitus or autoimmune diseases. The hormonal balance is disturbed, the composition of the tears changes, and the eye does not receive sufficient moisture. In addition, dry eye can be caused by prolonged or incorrect wearing of contact lenses .

4. Gender does not affect the development of the syndrome

Affects. Women are three times more likely to get this diagnosis. This is due to the hormonal characteristics of the female body.

5. The diagnosis does not depend on age

Depends. The older a person is, the more often their eyes require additional moisture. With age, all functions of the body fade away, including its ability to produce natural tears.

6. Smoking does not affect the occurrence of dry eye syndrome

Affects. Tobacco smoke is an irritating factor for the mucous membranes of the eyes, which leads to the development of the disease.

7. The production of tear fluid does not depend on the amount of water consumed

Depends. With dry eyes, you need to drink more water, in addition, do not forget about humidifying the room in which you are, especially during the heating season.

8. Sleep duration does not affect eye hydration

Affects. Adequate sleep is a guarantee of health (and not only of our eyes). Exactlyat night, the hormones necessary for full life are produced.

How to heal

If you experience discomfort in your eyes, you should consult an ophthalmologist. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor will prescribe special drops to moisturize the eyes.

Besides, you will need to reconsider your routine and your usual lifestyle.While working at the computer, take breaks, do not forget about gymnastics for the eyes, blink more often. Pay attention to nutrition: more water, vegetables and fruits containing vitamins A and C, greens.

Lovers of traditional medicine can be advised to wash their eyes and make lotions from herbs. Give preference to chamomile , which has both anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effects.