If a child has been diagnosed with this syndrome, then in no case should he be scolded for being active and not being able to concentrate.
Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) find it difficult to concentrate on one thing, therefore, they almost never can complete the work they have begun, they behave very impulsively. The activity of such children is usually called "uncontrollable".
ADHD is a neurobehavioral developmental disorder, so if a child has been diagnosed with this syndrome, then in no case should he be scolded for such manifestations. ADHD needs some work. Only through a carefully thought out educational process that provides for the sensitive behavior of the parents, the baby can become calmer and less anxious.
Why might ADHD appear?
There are several hypotheses for the occurrence of ADHD, supporters of one or another assumption periodically argue among themselves, trying to prove their case. We will not take any position. Let's just list which processes become catalysts.
- Genetics. A number of specialists believe that ADHD is the result of problems that arise both during pregnancy and during childbirth.
- Ecology . Someone claims that the syndrome arises from poor ecology.
- Gadgets . There are experts who suggest that ADHD is a recent phenomenon, and the reason for this is the gadgets in which children sit from an early age.
Parenting tips
Of course, parents cannot independently diagnose a child, based only on the fact that their baby is more active than his peers. Only a doctor can judge this. But you shouldn't be indifferent to such behavior either.
If the specialist nevertheless confirmed your assumptions, then there is no need to panic, let alone be upset. There are at least 12 easy points for interaction with such children.
Here they are:
1. Adopt a child
Its activity is a feature of the functioning of the brain, not a "disgusting character" and not "a desire to spite the parent / teacher."
2. A clear daily routine
A child with ADHD must have a specific schedule. It is necessary to build a certain regime and strictly adhere to it, without making exceptions. This is especially true for sleep. It is important to alternate between activity and calm activity without overload.
3. Education without extremes
Parents should make it clear to their child what he can do and what behavior is not acceptable. Use for this not shouting and twitching, but detailed conversations on equal terms.
4. Less screaming
If on your prohibition, the child asks why he cannot do something, but you do not argue for your actions in any way, then consider that there is no prohibition for him. Therefore, do not limit yourself to one "no". Interact and collaborate more with your son or daughter.
5. Minimize the "freeze" of the child in gadgets and at the TV.
6. Speak clearly what you want
If mom and dad want their child to stop indulging and sit down for lessons, then the phrase "do the homework" will not be enough. Children with ADHD need to be clear about what you want them to do. For example, instead of “go read” - “take a book, open it on such and such a page”, instead of “draw a picture” - “take a pencil and a blank sheet of paper” and so on. Direct the child's attention.
7. Perfect play
It is better not to take a child with this syndrome to entertainment centers too often. He needs to be in noisy company as little as possible. The ideal game would be to chat with his friend or parent one-on-one. Such a pastime will not stimulate overexcitement.
8. Mass events with loud music, crowds and fireworks are also not recommended.
9. Walk in the fresh air as often as possible.
10. Sport without overload, for pleasure.
11. Neuropsychological correction - These are exercises under the guidance of a neuropsychologist, in a group or individually, aimed at developing the areas of the brain responsible for self-control, the ability to concentrate, switch, finish, and so on.
12. In some cases medication support (can only be prescribed by a doctor!)